My Favorite Quote of the day

All Life is an Experiment. The more you make the better it becomes.................... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, May 29, 2010

AMU: National Consultation on Special Centres and Politics behind/beyond it

It is being heard that the AMU-VC is going for a National Consultation Meeting at Delhi on 30th May or 3rd June 2010. It will consist of some of the former Vice Chancellors of AMU and few other such dignitaries to discuss the issue of "Special Centres" to be made operational at Malappuram and Murshidabad.

There are few questions/issues that strike our mind:

1. Will they discuss the legalities of such “Special Centres”?

2. Is AMU really capable of managing its “Special Centres” located far away, more so when it is earning disrepute for various kinds of irregularities, strongly testified by the Principal Accountant General Report (November 2009), besides so many incriminating documents circulating in public domain obtained through RTI? The media is increasingly reporting it widely, and frequently.

3. Troubles and upsurges, often engineered by not so unknown conspirators suggest that AMU is not capable of managing such far located Special Centres.

4. Deeply entrenched corruption in purchase, contracts, supplies and Dining Halls also suggest the in-capabilities of AMU.

5. AMU’s deep, consistent tolerance for corruption and irregularities and its wanton unwillingness to punish the culprits, the illegally recruited/ promoted employees also suggest the in-capabilities of AMU.

Recently, the AMU failed to distribute Exam.Hall Tickets to the candidates creating a lot of difficulties, particularly to the students of Eastern India. There was irregularity in PG Medical Entrance Test but the concerned Deputy Controller has not been punished.

There are complaints from the teachers that they are not getting basic minimum of infratstructural facilities despite the availability of fund.

In short, consolidation, rather than expansion should probably be the prioritized concern of the AMU.

6. Most important of all, whether such an exercise in consultation and AMU’s expansion is intended to do a cover up on the exposes of most outrageous cases of corruption and irregularities?

7. Whether the tainted high functionaries are trying to hide the corruption/ inquiry under the carpet of “Doing-great, laudable-things- for-Muslims’- Educational- Uplift”? [The deadlines of the inquiry are painfully being extended time and again. It is putting the two judges under litmus-tests. Common self-less Aligs are becoming apprehensive and restless]

One hopes, the conscience keepers of the nation/ community are wise enough to read between (into and beyond) the lines.

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