*ALIGARH March 31: *The AMU team led by the Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K.
Abdul Azis today met the Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), USA
delegation at New Delhi and shared wide range discussion on collaboration
between American Universities and the Aligarh Muslim University.
The CIC consisted of America's top research universities consisting of
University of Wisconsin, Purdue University, Pennsylvania University, Ohio
University, University of Chicago, University of Illinois, Michigan State
University and University of Minnesota.
The discussion included facilitating more number of Master and doctoral
students to work in these Universities for short term periods, provision for
work for teachers is one to two years in the American Universities.
On the other hand, the American counterparts expressed interest in sending
American students for learning Persian, Urdu, Hindi, Arabic and other Indian
languages. They also showed interest in Indian history and culture and the
Unani system of medicine.
Another idea discussed was the scope of participants of these Universities
in the academic activities of special centres AMU plan to establish in West
Bengal and Kerala.
The idea of community colleges were also discussed that would encompass the
job oriented senior secondary and undergraduate programmes.
The seven-member CIC delegation included Prof. Tenneth Shatire, Director,
India Initiatives (Wisconsin University), Prof. Aseem Ansari, University of
Wisconsin, Wolfgang Schiloer, University of Illinois. AMU team included
Prof. M. Saleemuddin, Prof. Javed Akhtar and the Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K.
Abdul Azis.
"I have seen the movement of the sinews of the sky, And the blood coursing in the veins of the moon." - Allama Iqbal
My Favorite Quote of the day
All Life is an Experiment. The more you make the better it becomes.................... Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Dr. Mohammad Shameem Awarded Young Scientist award by UP Government
*ALIGARH March 31:* Dr. Mohammad Shameem, Department of Tuberculosis and
Chest Disease, J. N. medical College, Aligarh Muslim University had been
awarded with Young Scientist award by UP Government at a function organized
by the Council for Science and Technology, Lucknow on Monday.
The award was conferred on him in recognition of his research on
Tuberculosis and respiratory diseases. The award carries a cash prize of
25,000/=, a citation and a memento.
Dr. Shameem is working as principal investigator on the project sanctioned
by Council for Science and Technology, UP on identification of markers of
sputum culture conversion among tuberculosis patients. The Council for
Science and Technology has also awarded him with the visiting fellowship
this year.
Dr. Shameem had received major research project by Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare, Govt. of India, to develop herbal medicine for bronchial
Dr. Shameem has acknowledged his teachers and colleague Prof R. Bhargava and
Prof. Zuber Ahmad for their help and support in his research.
Chest Disease, J. N. medical College, Aligarh Muslim University had been
awarded with Young Scientist award by UP Government at a function organized
by the Council for Science and Technology, Lucknow on Monday.
The award was conferred on him in recognition of his research on
Tuberculosis and respiratory diseases. The award carries a cash prize of
25,000/=, a citation and a memento.
Dr. Shameem is working as principal investigator on the project sanctioned
by Council for Science and Technology, UP on identification of markers of
sputum culture conversion among tuberculosis patients. The Council for
Science and Technology has also awarded him with the visiting fellowship
this year.
Dr. Shameem had received major research project by Ministry of Health and
Family Welfare, Govt. of India, to develop herbal medicine for bronchial
Dr. Shameem has acknowledged his teachers and colleague Prof R. Bhargava and
Prof. Zuber Ahmad for their help and support in his research.
Prof. Kabiruddin conferred upon the prestigious Vigyan Gaurav Samman (2008-2009)
*ALIGARH March 31:* Prof. Kabiruddin, Professor in the Department of
Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University has been conferred upon the prestigious
"Vigyan Gaurav Samman" (2008-2009) by the Council of Science and Technology,
Government of U.P. The Vigyan Gaurav Samman, highest award in the field of
Science and Technology, was given for his outstanding contributions to
scientific research and learning.
The award was presented by the Minister of Science and Technology,
Government of UP at an impressive function "Vigyan Samaroh" held at Lucknow.
The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000/-, a memento and a citation.
Prof. Kabir-ud-Din has authored more than 250 research papers, supervised 26
Ph.D., 09 M.Phil., attended about 100 national/international conferences and
is a member of several scientific societies. He has completed a number of
research projects sponsored by UGC-DAE, CSIR and UP CST. He is also the
recipient of Suresh C. Ameta Medal of the Indian Chemical Society.
Chemistry, Aligarh Muslim University has been conferred upon the prestigious
"Vigyan Gaurav Samman" (2008-2009) by the Council of Science and Technology,
Government of U.P. The Vigyan Gaurav Samman, highest award in the field of
Science and Technology, was given for his outstanding contributions to
scientific research and learning.
The award was presented by the Minister of Science and Technology,
Government of UP at an impressive function "Vigyan Samaroh" held at Lucknow.
The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 1,00,000/-, a memento and a citation.
Prof. Kabir-ud-Din has authored more than 250 research papers, supervised 26
Ph.D., 09 M.Phil., attended about 100 national/international conferences and
is a member of several scientific societies. He has completed a number of
research projects sponsored by UGC-DAE, CSIR and UP CST. He is also the
recipient of Suresh C. Ameta Medal of the Indian Chemical Society.
Dr. Mrs. Masarrat Haseeb conferred with the Scientist of the Year-2010 Award
*ALIGARH March 31:* Dr. Mrs. Masarrat Haseeb, Ex-Senior Scientist (ARS) and
Associate Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural
Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University has been conferred with the "Scientist
of the Year-2010 Award" for outstanding contributions in the field of plant
protection on the occasion of 12th Indian Agricultural Scientists and
Farmers’ Congress recently organized at Allahabad in collaboration with
Bioved Research Society, Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture and
Technology, Allahabad, UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Allahabad and
Department of Botany, Iswar Saran Degree College, University of Allahabad.
She also participated in the "Kisan Adalat" and interacted with the farmers
during the congress.
Dr. (Mrs.) Haseeb has a number of honours and awards to her credit including
"R. N. Dwivedi Medal-2009" of Bioved Research Society, Bioved Research
Institute of Agriculture and Technology, Allahabad; "Dr. (Mrs.) Jagadeswari
Rao Women Scientist Award" for the year 2001 of Applied Zoological Research
Association (AZRA), C.R.R.I., Cuttack; "Fellowship Award- 2002 of BRS",
Bioved Research Society, Allahabad., "SPPS Fellow" award-2003, of the
Society of Plant Protection Sclences, IARI, New Delhi; Three "Best Research
Paper Presentation Awards" by different scientific societies during the
seminars/ conferences, etc., held in the year 2000, 2001 and 2005;
"Appreciation Letter" for getting first prize in "Best Research Paper
Presentation" competition from Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Samiti, Kamal and
a number of awards and prizes for writing and publishing research articles,
extension literature including bulletins in Hindi. These awards have been
given to Dr. (Mrs.) Haseeb for her outstanding contributions in the field
of Forest Entomology, Agricultural Entomology and Plant Protection Sciences.
Associate Professor, Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agricultural
Sciences, Aligarh Muslim University has been conferred with the "Scientist
of the Year-2010 Award" for outstanding contributions in the field of plant
protection on the occasion of 12th Indian Agricultural Scientists and
Farmers’ Congress recently organized at Allahabad in collaboration with
Bioved Research Society, Bioved Research Institute of Agriculture and
Technology, Allahabad, UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Allahabad and
Department of Botany, Iswar Saran Degree College, University of Allahabad.
She also participated in the "Kisan Adalat" and interacted with the farmers
during the congress.
Dr. (Mrs.) Haseeb has a number of honours and awards to her credit including
"R. N. Dwivedi Medal-2009" of Bioved Research Society, Bioved Research
Institute of Agriculture and Technology, Allahabad; "Dr. (Mrs.) Jagadeswari
Rao Women Scientist Award" for the year 2001 of Applied Zoological Research
Association (AZRA), C.R.R.I., Cuttack; "Fellowship Award- 2002 of BRS",
Bioved Research Society, Allahabad., "SPPS Fellow" award-2003, of the
Society of Plant Protection Sclences, IARI, New Delhi; Three "Best Research
Paper Presentation Awards" by different scientific societies during the
seminars/ conferences, etc., held in the year 2000, 2001 and 2005;
"Appreciation Letter" for getting first prize in "Best Research Paper
Presentation" competition from Bhartiya Krishi Anusandhan Samiti, Kamal and
a number of awards and prizes for writing and publishing research articles,
extension literature including bulletins in Hindi. These awards have been
given to Dr. (Mrs.) Haseeb for her outstanding contributions in the field
of Forest Entomology, Agricultural Entomology and Plant Protection Sciences.
Dr. Riaz Ahmad Received Young Scientist Award from Council of Science and Technology, Uttar Pradesh
ALIGARH March 30: Dr. Riaz Ahmad, Lecturer at Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University has been conferred upon the Young Scientist Award by the Council of Science and Technology, Uttar Pradesh. The award carries a certificate, memento, shawl and a cash prize of Rs. 25,000/- as the token of appreciation for the contributions of Dr. Riaz Ahmad in the area of Biochemical and Molecular Genetics.
Dr. Riaz Ahmad was conferred up on this award at the Vigyan Samaroh at Sir C.V. Raman Auditorium in Lucknow. The award was presented to him by Mr. Abdul Mannan, Honorable Minister of State for Science and Technology, UP yesterday.
Dr. Ahmad is also a recipient of prestigious Dr. D. S. Kothari Post Doctoral Fellowship from UGC, Young Scientist Project of DST and Scientist of the Year Award-2009 given by the National Environmental Science Academy. Dr. Ahmad has a number of research papers to his name published in various scientific journals of national and international repute.
Dr. Riaz Ahmad was conferred up on this award at the Vigyan Samaroh at Sir C.V. Raman Auditorium in Lucknow. The award was presented to him by Mr. Abdul Mannan, Honorable Minister of State for Science and Technology, UP yesterday.
Dr. Ahmad is also a recipient of prestigious Dr. D. S. Kothari Post Doctoral Fellowship from UGC, Young Scientist Project of DST and Scientist of the Year Award-2009 given by the National Environmental Science Academy. Dr. Ahmad has a number of research papers to his name published in various scientific journals of national and international repute.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Professor A.R. Kidwai delivered Keynote Address at the National Conference Organized at MANUU, Hyderabad
Aligarh March 29: Professor A.R. Kidwai, Director, UGC Academic Staff
College and Professor, Department of English, Aligarh Muslim
University delivered Keynote Address on "New Perspectives in
Non-Native Literatures in English" at the National Conference
organized under the aegis of Maulana Azad National Urdu University
(MANUU), Hyderabad.
The Conference aimed at exploring the latest trends in the discourse
on representation, politics of literature, Muslim writings in English,
multiculturalism and cultural affinities. Its main objective was to
identify and discuss new areas of research in English literature.
In his keynote address, Professor Kidwai outlined the main contours of
literary orientalism and the recontextualization between modernity and
Islam by some Muslim writers. Professor Amina Kishore, Head Department
of English, MANUU was the convener of the conference. A large number
distinguished scholars and students of English studies attended the
conference. Professor Kidwai's Keynote Address is available at
College and Professor, Department of English, Aligarh Muslim
University delivered Keynote Address on "New Perspectives in
Non-Native Literatures in English" at the National Conference
organized under the aegis of Maulana Azad National Urdu University
(MANUU), Hyderabad.
The Conference aimed at exploring the latest trends in the discourse
on representation, politics of literature, Muslim writings in English,
multiculturalism and cultural affinities. Its main objective was to
identify and discuss new areas of research in English literature.
In his keynote address, Professor Kidwai outlined the main contours of
literary orientalism and the recontextualization between modernity and
Islam by some Muslim writers. Professor Amina Kishore, Head Department
of English, MANUU was the convener of the conference. A large number
distinguished scholars and students of English studies attended the
conference. Professor Kidwai's Keynote Address is available at
Monday, March 29, 2010
Twelve students of Department of Geology Qualified GATE Examination
*ALIGARH March 27:* Twelve students of Department of Geology, Aligarh Muslim
University have brought laurels to their family and the University by
qualifying the GATE examination held in February 2010.
Dr. Shadab Khurshid, Chairman, Department of Geology said that it was a
great honour for the department and the University that such a good number
of students has succeeded in qualifying the prestigious GATE examination
this year. Dr. Khurshid said that Mr. Arif Mohammad (V M Hall), Mr. Danish
Anwar (V M Hall), Ms. Tanvi Gupta (I G Hall), Mr. Apratim Kumar Rai (S Z
Hall), Ms. Joohi Naz (I G Hall), Mr. Mohd. Yawar Ali Khan (S Z Hall), Ms.
Shabana Anjum (I G Hall), Mr. Dinesh Kumar (M H Hall), Mr. Imran Khan (S S
Hall North), Mr. Isif Iqbal (S Z Hall), Mr. Mohd. Alam (M H Hall) and Mr.
Mohd. Haseen (S Z Hall) qualified the GATE examination held in February
University have brought laurels to their family and the University by
qualifying the GATE examination held in February 2010.
Dr. Shadab Khurshid, Chairman, Department of Geology said that it was a
great honour for the department and the University that such a good number
of students has succeeded in qualifying the prestigious GATE examination
this year. Dr. Khurshid said that Mr. Arif Mohammad (V M Hall), Mr. Danish
Anwar (V M Hall), Ms. Tanvi Gupta (I G Hall), Mr. Apratim Kumar Rai (S Z
Hall), Ms. Joohi Naz (I G Hall), Mr. Mohd. Yawar Ali Khan (S Z Hall), Ms.
Shabana Anjum (I G Hall), Mr. Dinesh Kumar (M H Hall), Mr. Imran Khan (S S
Hall North), Mr. Isif Iqbal (S Z Hall), Mr. Mohd. Alam (M H Hall) and Mr.
Mohd. Haseen (S Z Hall) qualified the GATE examination held in February
Sir Syed's 112th Death Anniversary Observed

*ALIGARH, March 27: *The Aligarh Muslim University today observed the
112th death anniversary of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, the founder of this
The University orgnaised Quran Khwani in the University Mosque after morning
prayer and the Vice Chancellor Prof. PK Abdul Azis paid a floral tribute to
the founder’s grave. University Registrar, Prof. VK Abdul Jaleel and senior
officials including students and faculty members were also present.
Professor PK Abdul Azis today inaugurated a two-day National Symposium on Developments in Instrumentation and Control Engineering
*ALIGARH March 27:* The Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University,
Professor PK Abdul Azis today inaugurated a two-day National Symposium on
`Developments in Instrumentation and Control Engineering' organized by the
Department of Electrical Engineering.
While welcoming the delegates, Professor Mohibullah, Chairman, Department of
Electrical Engineering said that today is a death anniversary of the founder
of this great institution, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and we salute his vision and
foresightedness that enabled Mohammadan Anglo Oriental College and now this
University has been a nursery of exceptional talents and great culture.
Professor Mohibullah said that the presence of the Vice Chancellor,
Professor PK Abdul Azis is a source of inspiration and encouragement and
under his leadership, the University is on the path of academic excellence
and fast development in all activities.
Dr. Yusuf Uzzaman Khan, Chief Coordinator of the Symposium pointed out that
rapid developments in processing and computing technologies have borne and
impact on all areas of engineering and instrumentation and control
engineering has also experienced some revolutionary changes.
Dr. Khan said that this Symposium is a blend of academicians and people from
industry. He said that we have received overwhelming response from the
participants. Apart from AMU, we have participants from about 15 colleges
and 90 participants have registered software.
Prof. MT Ahmad, Principal of Zakir Husain College of Engineering and
Technology and Prof. SMA Rizvi, Dean, Faculty of Engineering also addressed
the inaugural ceremony.
Prof. Mukhtar Ahmad proposed a vote of thanks and Mr. Mohd. Rihan,
Coordinator of the Symposium conducted the programme.
Professor PK Abdul Azis today inaugurated a two-day National Symposium on
`Developments in Instrumentation and Control Engineering' organized by the
Department of Electrical Engineering.
While welcoming the delegates, Professor Mohibullah, Chairman, Department of
Electrical Engineering said that today is a death anniversary of the founder
of this great institution, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan and we salute his vision and
foresightedness that enabled Mohammadan Anglo Oriental College and now this
University has been a nursery of exceptional talents and great culture.
Professor Mohibullah said that the presence of the Vice Chancellor,
Professor PK Abdul Azis is a source of inspiration and encouragement and
under his leadership, the University is on the path of academic excellence
and fast development in all activities.
Dr. Yusuf Uzzaman Khan, Chief Coordinator of the Symposium pointed out that
rapid developments in processing and computing technologies have borne and
impact on all areas of engineering and instrumentation and control
engineering has also experienced some revolutionary changes.
Dr. Khan said that this Symposium is a blend of academicians and people from
industry. He said that we have received overwhelming response from the
participants. Apart from AMU, we have participants from about 15 colleges
and 90 participants have registered software.
Prof. MT Ahmad, Principal of Zakir Husain College of Engineering and
Technology and Prof. SMA Rizvi, Dean, Faculty of Engineering also addressed
the inaugural ceremony.
Prof. Mukhtar Ahmad proposed a vote of thanks and Mr. Mohd. Rihan,
Coordinator of the Symposium conducted the programme.
Abdullah Hall Organized its Annual Hall Function ‘Parwaaz’
*ALIGARH, March 27:* Abdullah Hall of the Aligarh Muslim University
organized its Annual Hall Function `Parwaaz', on Friday. AMU Vice
Chancellor, Prof. PK Abdul Azis was the Chief Guest.
Presenting the annual report, Dr. (Mrs.) Nikhat Taj Ahmad, provost of the
Abdullah Hall said that Prof. Azis wants to see us at the pinnacle of
academic excellence and place of our students on the highest pedestals of
education, secular and moral well being with his vision and foresightedness
he is trying to further realize the dream of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan by
expanding the AMU Campus in different parts of the country.
Dr. Nikhat said that the five days Hall week- `Parwaaz' became an expression
of the successful flight – the soaring heights that our girls can reach when
show casing them talents and skills.
Dr. Nikhat Taj said that the construction work of new reading room is in
full swing and is expected to become operational in the next academic
session. Three computers have been set-up along with internet facilities.
The Vice Chancellor released the Hall Magazine and gave away the
certificates and mementoes to the Hall Committee.
Senior Hall Monitor, Maria Khan welcomed the guests and the Hall function
was conducted by Sana Farooqui. Iram Fatima Mumtaz proposed the vote of
AMU Registrar, Prof. VK Abdul Jaleel, Proctor, Prof. M. Zubair Khan, Dean
Students' Welfare, Prof. Ainul Haq Khan and Principal, Women's College,
Prof. Bilquis Nasim Waris also grace the function.
organized its Annual Hall Function `Parwaaz', on Friday. AMU Vice
Chancellor, Prof. PK Abdul Azis was the Chief Guest.
Presenting the annual report, Dr. (Mrs.) Nikhat Taj Ahmad, provost of the
Abdullah Hall said that Prof. Azis wants to see us at the pinnacle of
academic excellence and place of our students on the highest pedestals of
education, secular and moral well being with his vision and foresightedness
he is trying to further realize the dream of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan by
expanding the AMU Campus in different parts of the country.
Dr. Nikhat said that the five days Hall week- `Parwaaz' became an expression
of the successful flight – the soaring heights that our girls can reach when
show casing them talents and skills.
Dr. Nikhat Taj said that the construction work of new reading room is in
full swing and is expected to become operational in the next academic
session. Three computers have been set-up along with internet facilities.
The Vice Chancellor released the Hall Magazine and gave away the
certificates and mementoes to the Hall Committee.
Senior Hall Monitor, Maria Khan welcomed the guests and the Hall function
was conducted by Sana Farooqui. Iram Fatima Mumtaz proposed the vote of
AMU Registrar, Prof. VK Abdul Jaleel, Proctor, Prof. M. Zubair Khan, Dean
Students' Welfare, Prof. Ainul Haq Khan and Principal, Women's College,
Prof. Bilquis Nasim Waris also grace the function.
Viqar-ul-Mulk Hall Organizedannual literary and cultural festival MUNAFASA-2010
ALIGARH, March 27: The valedictory session of the annual literary and
cultural festival "MUNAFASA-2010" organized by Viqar-ul-Mulk Hall, Aligarh
Muslim University organized was also marked by the prize distribution to the
winners of various literary and cultural events. The festival that included
events like Creative Writing, Debate, Dumb Charade, Quiz, Mimicry, Extempore
etc, was inaugurated by the chief guest, Prof. Ashok Mittal, Chairman,
Department of Economics. A large number of students from different
departments and halls of residence of the University participated in the
The chief guest of the valedictory function Dr. Syed Javed Ali gave away
prizes to the winners of different events. Dr. Ali congratulated the winners
and urged the participants to strive hard to succeed in future.
Provost of the hall, Dr. Khalid Bin Yusuf Khan welcomed the guests.
President, Literary & Cultural Society Dr. Syed Faiz Zaidi proposed the vote
of thanks. Dr. Zaidi thanked Mr. Abdul Hamid Laskar, Secretary Literary &
Cultural for organizing this event. The programme was conducted by Mr. Asad
Ahmad. Senior Hall Mr. Imran Ali Khan, Sadanullah Khan, Ahmad Usama, Shabbir
Ahmad and other students worked hard to make the programme a success.
cultural festival "MUNAFASA-2010" organized by Viqar-ul-Mulk Hall, Aligarh
Muslim University organized was also marked by the prize distribution to the
winners of various literary and cultural events. The festival that included
events like Creative Writing, Debate, Dumb Charade, Quiz, Mimicry, Extempore
etc, was inaugurated by the chief guest, Prof. Ashok Mittal, Chairman,
Department of Economics. A large number of students from different
departments and halls of residence of the University participated in the
The chief guest of the valedictory function Dr. Syed Javed Ali gave away
prizes to the winners of different events. Dr. Ali congratulated the winners
and urged the participants to strive hard to succeed in future.
Provost of the hall, Dr. Khalid Bin Yusuf Khan welcomed the guests.
President, Literary & Cultural Society Dr. Syed Faiz Zaidi proposed the vote
of thanks. Dr. Zaidi thanked Mr. Abdul Hamid Laskar, Secretary Literary &
Cultural for organizing this event. The programme was conducted by Mr. Asad
Ahmad. Senior Hall Mr. Imran Ali Khan, Sadanullah Khan, Ahmad Usama, Shabbir
Ahmad and other students worked hard to make the programme a success.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Women’s College organized the 4th Aala Bi Memorial Women's Open Regional Volley
*ALIGARH March 9: *The Women's College, Aligarh Muslim University organized
the 4th Aala Bi Memorial Women's Open Regional Volley Ball Tournament to
mark the Women's Day. The sports in-charges of Women's College Ms. Aziza
Rizvi and Mrs. Razia Bano Rizvi introduced the Chief Guest Prof. Ainul Haq
Khan, DSW, AMU to various teams.
Welcoming the gathering Principal of Women's College, Prof. Bilquis Nasim
Waris, encouraged the girls quoting the famous Basketball Player Micheal
Jordan that talents win games but intelligence and team work win
The Chief Guest Prof. Ainul Haque spoke on the importance of sports for
students. Ms. Aziza Rizvi presented a memento to Chief Guest and proposed a
vote of thanks. The 1st match was played between Senior Secondary School
(Girls) and Women's College team. The Women's College team won the match by
25-13 and 25-14. Amra Rafat and Quraini of Women's College exhibited
excellent talent bringing victory to their team.
the 4th Aala Bi Memorial Women's Open Regional Volley Ball Tournament to
mark the Women's Day. The sports in-charges of Women's College Ms. Aziza
Rizvi and Mrs. Razia Bano Rizvi introduced the Chief Guest Prof. Ainul Haq
Khan, DSW, AMU to various teams.
Welcoming the gathering Principal of Women's College, Prof. Bilquis Nasim
Waris, encouraged the girls quoting the famous Basketball Player Micheal
Jordan that talents win games but intelligence and team work win
The Chief Guest Prof. Ainul Haque spoke on the importance of sports for
students. Ms. Aziza Rizvi presented a memento to Chief Guest and proposed a
vote of thanks. The 1st match was played between Senior Secondary School
(Girls) and Women's College team. The Women's College team won the match by
25-13 and 25-14. Amra Rafat and Quraini of Women's College exhibited
excellent talent bringing victory to their team.
Prof. Zahida Zaidi Felicitated On the eve of Women's Day
*ALIGARH, March 9: *On the eve of Women's Day, the Creative Writers' Society
of the Women's College, Aligarh Muslim University with the coordination of
Dr. Atia Abid, felicitated Prof. Zahida Zaidi (alumnus, Retired Teacher and
litterateur on receiving the prestigious Bahadur Shah Zafar Award conferred
on her by the Urdu Academy, Delhi.
The students of the Women's College presented a shawl and bouquet to Prof.
Zahida Zaidi at a function presided over by the Principal, Women's College,
Prof. Bilquis Nasim Waris. Prof. Zaidi recited some of her poetic renditions
on the occasion. The members of the Creative Writers' Society also presented
short stories and poems in Urdu, Hindi ad English which were greatly
appreciated by the audience. Dr. Wajiha's poem 'Blindfolded' won accolades
because of its content paying tribute to women and suited to the occasion.
The Creative Writers' Society had organized a dialogue-writing competition
on themes related to deprivation, child labour and water shortage. The
response was over-whelming. Ms. Sabiha Laar judged the entries and spoke of
the maturity and high standard exhibited by participants.
of the Women's College, Aligarh Muslim University with the coordination of
Dr. Atia Abid, felicitated Prof. Zahida Zaidi (alumnus, Retired Teacher and
litterateur on receiving the prestigious Bahadur Shah Zafar Award conferred
on her by the Urdu Academy, Delhi.
The students of the Women's College presented a shawl and bouquet to Prof.
Zahida Zaidi at a function presided over by the Principal, Women's College,
Prof. Bilquis Nasim Waris. Prof. Zaidi recited some of her poetic renditions
on the occasion. The members of the Creative Writers' Society also presented
short stories and poems in Urdu, Hindi ad English which were greatly
appreciated by the audience. Dr. Wajiha's poem 'Blindfolded' won accolades
because of its content paying tribute to women and suited to the occasion.
The Creative Writers' Society had organized a dialogue-writing competition
on themes related to deprivation, child labour and water shortage. The
response was over-whelming. Ms. Sabiha Laar judged the entries and spoke of
the maturity and high standard exhibited by participants.
Lecture on El Nino, Climate Change and Human Health at the Summer University Programme
*ALIGARH March 9:* “The idea that place and location can influence health is
a very old and familiar concept in the Western medicine and traces back to
the time of Hippocrates when physicians observed that certain diseases
seemed to occur in some places and not in other, or the intensity of some
diseases was usually 'region specific'”, said Prof. Rais Akhtar, Emeritus
Scientist, Centre for Study of Regional Development, J.N.U., New Delhi. He
was delivering lecture on “El Nino, Climate Change and Human Health” at the
Summer University programme organized by the Department of Zoology, Aligarh
Muslim University. He said people have also been aware of the process of
disease diffusion across geographic regions for centuries. Prof. Akhtar
spoke at length on the environment-health association with special focus on
dimensions of medical geography, which is generally termed as the branch of
human geography concerned with the geographic aspects of health (status) and
health care (systems).
Prof. Akhtar said that the term El Nino (Spanish-Christ child) was
originally used by fishermen along the coast of Equador and Peru to refer to
a warm current that typically appears around Christmas time and lasts for
several months. El Nino (1998) severely affected the climate scenario in
India with extreme heat waves and cold waves that claimed high mortality.
Higher temperatures over the coming decades are expected to cause more
smoggy days and heat waves contributing to a greater number of illnesses and
deaths in the United States, according to international climate scientists.
India will also be greatly affected by climate change. The effect will be
experienced in the reduction of the snow cap size in the Himalayas, retreat
of glaciers that feed the rivers, an increased flooding of the snow-fed
rivers initially and then partial drying up of the rivers, and formation of
new lakes and flooded lakes at upper altitudes.
In general climate change will perturb world's various aspects of physical
and biological systems which in turn influence human health. Rainfall
anomaly and heat wave conditions play an important role in causing
ill-health in various ways.
Prof. Akhtar said that there is a growing pressure from developed countries
on the developing world to reduce greenhouse gas emission that finally
resulted in the failure of Copenhagen Conference.
Prof. Rais Akhtar did his post graduate from Agra University and M.Phil. and
Ph.D. from AMU. Prof. Akhtar is a recipient of Leverhulme Scholarship of
University of Liverpool. He has also received fellowships from the
Universities of Kashmir, Zambia & London. Later he received Visiting
Fellowships from University of Sussex, Commonwealth Secretariat, Belgium and
French Government. Prof. Akhtar is a member of the Inter Governmental Panel
on Climate Change and has received a Joint Winner Nobel Peace Prize Award
(IPCC, 2007).
He is a visiting Professor, University of Paris. He has delivered lectures
on Medical Geography at the London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, John Hopkins University School of
Hygiene & Public Health, Institute of Public Health, University of Pisa and
Nuffield School for Health, Leeds. He has published 14 books and a number of
research papers in International Journals.
a very old and familiar concept in the Western medicine and traces back to
the time of Hippocrates when physicians observed that certain diseases
seemed to occur in some places and not in other, or the intensity of some
diseases was usually 'region specific'”, said Prof. Rais Akhtar, Emeritus
Scientist, Centre for Study of Regional Development, J.N.U., New Delhi. He
was delivering lecture on “El Nino, Climate Change and Human Health” at the
Summer University programme organized by the Department of Zoology, Aligarh
Muslim University. He said people have also been aware of the process of
disease diffusion across geographic regions for centuries. Prof. Akhtar
spoke at length on the environment-health association with special focus on
dimensions of medical geography, which is generally termed as the branch of
human geography concerned with the geographic aspects of health (status) and
health care (systems).
Prof. Akhtar said that the term El Nino (Spanish-Christ child) was
originally used by fishermen along the coast of Equador and Peru to refer to
a warm current that typically appears around Christmas time and lasts for
several months. El Nino (1998) severely affected the climate scenario in
India with extreme heat waves and cold waves that claimed high mortality.
Higher temperatures over the coming decades are expected to cause more
smoggy days and heat waves contributing to a greater number of illnesses and
deaths in the United States, according to international climate scientists.
India will also be greatly affected by climate change. The effect will be
experienced in the reduction of the snow cap size in the Himalayas, retreat
of glaciers that feed the rivers, an increased flooding of the snow-fed
rivers initially and then partial drying up of the rivers, and formation of
new lakes and flooded lakes at upper altitudes.
In general climate change will perturb world's various aspects of physical
and biological systems which in turn influence human health. Rainfall
anomaly and heat wave conditions play an important role in causing
ill-health in various ways.
Prof. Akhtar said that there is a growing pressure from developed countries
on the developing world to reduce greenhouse gas emission that finally
resulted in the failure of Copenhagen Conference.
Prof. Rais Akhtar did his post graduate from Agra University and M.Phil. and
Ph.D. from AMU. Prof. Akhtar is a recipient of Leverhulme Scholarship of
University of Liverpool. He has also received fellowships from the
Universities of Kashmir, Zambia & London. Later he received Visiting
Fellowships from University of Sussex, Commonwealth Secretariat, Belgium and
French Government. Prof. Akhtar is a member of the Inter Governmental Panel
on Climate Change and has received a Joint Winner Nobel Peace Prize Award
(IPCC, 2007).
He is a visiting Professor, University of Paris. He has delivered lectures
on Medical Geography at the London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, John Hopkins University School of
Hygiene & Public Health, Institute of Public Health, University of Pisa and
Nuffield School for Health, Leeds. He has published 14 books and a number of
research papers in International Journals.
Third Lecture Under the Motivational Lecture Series at M.M. Hall
ALIGARH March 9: The third lecture under the motivational lecture series was organized by the Career Counseling Cell of the Mohsinul Mulk Hall, Aligarh Muslim University.
Prof. A.R. Kidwai, Director, Academic Staff College, AMU Aligarh and Mr. K. Rammohan Rao, lAS, District Magistrate, Aligarh exhorted the students to achieve their career objective by devoting themselves fully to studies.
Dr. Suhail Sabir, Provost extended a warm welcome to the distinguished guests. He also put into words his hope that these lectures will prove a stepping stone in shaping the career of young students of M.M. Hall.
Mr. Shahnawaz who conducted the proceedings introduced the guests to the audience. Prof. A.R. Kidwai recalled his association with M.M. Hall as attached boarder and informed the young residents of M.M. Hall that he captained the Monsinul Mulk Hall Hockey team and was a member of literary society. Prof. Kidwai asked the students not to harbour such misconceptions that the doors are closed and no opportunities for them are available. The eminent scholar emphasized that through planned hard work they can achieve anything. Prof. Kidwai also gave invaluable tips to improve listening, writing, reading and speaking skills in English.
Mr. K. Rammohan Rao kept the audience spell bound throughout his hour long mesmerizing speech. He divulged the details of his preparation methodology for Civil Service Examination and urged the students to sacrifice the short term pleasure to achieve the long term career goals. He vehemently asked them to always aim high and to put their best efforts to reach there. He was speaking from his heart and his words of wisdom were reaching straight to the minds of the young students.
The illustrious speakers appreciated the tireless efforts of Dr. Suhail Sabir to provide opportunities to the students of M.M. Hall for listening and interacting with the luminaries of different fields.
Mr. Ghufran Ahmad Warden-in-Charge, Career Counseling Cell proposed the vote of thanks. He gratefully acknowledged the encouragement and guidance rendered by the guest speakers whom he called the real role models for the young generation.
Wardens of the hall Dr. Md. Younus AU Khan, Dr. Rizwanur Rehman Khan and Dr. Abdul Aziz Khan were also present on the occasion.
Prof. A.R. Kidwai, Director, Academic Staff College, AMU Aligarh and Mr. K. Rammohan Rao, lAS, District Magistrate, Aligarh exhorted the students to achieve their career objective by devoting themselves fully to studies.
Dr. Suhail Sabir, Provost extended a warm welcome to the distinguished guests. He also put into words his hope that these lectures will prove a stepping stone in shaping the career of young students of M.M. Hall.
Mr. Shahnawaz who conducted the proceedings introduced the guests to the audience. Prof. A.R. Kidwai recalled his association with M.M. Hall as attached boarder and informed the young residents of M.M. Hall that he captained the Monsinul Mulk Hall Hockey team and was a member of literary society. Prof. Kidwai asked the students not to harbour such misconceptions that the doors are closed and no opportunities for them are available. The eminent scholar emphasized that through planned hard work they can achieve anything. Prof. Kidwai also gave invaluable tips to improve listening, writing, reading and speaking skills in English.
Mr. K. Rammohan Rao kept the audience spell bound throughout his hour long mesmerizing speech. He divulged the details of his preparation methodology for Civil Service Examination and urged the students to sacrifice the short term pleasure to achieve the long term career goals. He vehemently asked them to always aim high and to put their best efforts to reach there. He was speaking from his heart and his words of wisdom were reaching straight to the minds of the young students.
The illustrious speakers appreciated the tireless efforts of Dr. Suhail Sabir to provide opportunities to the students of M.M. Hall for listening and interacting with the luminaries of different fields.
Mr. Ghufran Ahmad Warden-in-Charge, Career Counseling Cell proposed the vote of thanks. He gratefully acknowledged the encouragement and guidance rendered by the guest speakers whom he called the real role models for the young generation.
Wardens of the hall Dr. Md. Younus AU Khan, Dr. Rizwanur Rehman Khan and Dr. Abdul Aziz Khan were also present on the occasion.
Habibur Rahman Hostel celebrated the Annual Hostel Function cum Freshers' Party - Mizraab-2010
ALIGARH February 26: The resident members of Habibur Rahman Hostel (D-Block) of Sir Ross Masood Hall, Aligarh Muslim University celebrated the Annual Hostel Function cum Freshers' Party "Mizraab-2010" . Mr. Khurram Zafar, Deputy Managing Director, Link Lock Industries, Aligarh graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Prof. Absar Mustafa Khan, Dept. of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University was the Guest of Honor.
The Warden of the Habibur Rahman Hostel, Mr. Adnan Hafiz welcomed the guests. Senior House of the hostel, Mr. Khalid Zubair (B. Tech II Year) presented hostel report.
The Provost, Sir Ross Masood Hall, Prof. Nawab Ali Khan while extending thanks to the guests urged the students to focus on their goals and try hard to achieve it. The Resident Warden, Dr. Ahsanullah Khan and the General Warden, Dr. Mohd. Yameen also addressed on this occasion.
The hostel function was marked with the organization of several cultural events like skit, singing songs, quiz etc. Mr. Danish and Mr. Dawood of Diploma of Engineering were selected as Mr. Fresher and Mr. Evening respectively. The Chief Guest Mr. Khurram Zafar said that the youth of today can change the face of the world. They should always take initiatives. MIS Adil, Sikandar, Ovais, Aquib, Fakhruzzama, Zaki, Javed, Nasir, Rehan and Adil extended their full support in organizing the function successfully.
Md. Tanweer Alam conducted the programme and the Warden-in-Charge, Dining Hall, Dr. Shamshad Husain proposed a vote of thanks followed by the 'University Tarana' and 'National Anthem'.
The Warden of the Habibur Rahman Hostel, Mr. Adnan Hafiz welcomed the guests. Senior House of the hostel, Mr. Khalid Zubair (B. Tech II Year) presented hostel report.
The Provost, Sir Ross Masood Hall, Prof. Nawab Ali Khan while extending thanks to the guests urged the students to focus on their goals and try hard to achieve it. The Resident Warden, Dr. Ahsanullah Khan and the General Warden, Dr. Mohd. Yameen also addressed on this occasion.
The hostel function was marked with the organization of several cultural events like skit, singing songs, quiz etc. Mr. Danish and Mr. Dawood of Diploma of Engineering were selected as Mr. Fresher and Mr. Evening respectively. The Chief Guest Mr. Khurram Zafar said that the youth of today can change the face of the world. They should always take initiatives. MIS Adil, Sikandar, Ovais, Aquib, Fakhruzzama, Zaki, Javed, Nasir, Rehan and Adil extended their full support in organizing the function successfully.
Md. Tanweer Alam conducted the programme and the Warden-in-Charge, Dining Hall, Dr. Shamshad Husain proposed a vote of thanks followed by the 'University Tarana' and 'National Anthem'.
Women’s College won the Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah Memorial Women’s Basketball Tournament
ALIGARH March 6: The host Women's College, Aligarh Muslim University won the Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah Memorial Women's Basketball Regional Tournament played at Women's College ground here on Saturday.
Women's College beat I. G. Hall by 25-10. The Chief Guest, Prof. Tariq Mansoor, Secretary Games Committee, Aligarh Muslim University gave away the prizes to the winner and runner teams. Shweta Verma of Women's College got the Best Player Award. Mrs. Razia Rizvi, organizer of the tournament welcomed the guests while Ms. Aziza Rizvi proposed the vote of thanks. Prof. Bilquis Naseem Waris, Principal, Women's College was also present on the occasion.
Women's College beat I. G. Hall by 25-10. The Chief Guest, Prof. Tariq Mansoor, Secretary Games Committee, Aligarh Muslim University gave away the prizes to the winner and runner teams. Shweta Verma of Women's College got the Best Player Award. Mrs. Razia Rizvi, organizer of the tournament welcomed the guests while Ms. Aziza Rizvi proposed the vote of thanks. Prof. Bilquis Naseem Waris, Principal, Women's College was also present on the occasion.
Department of Shia Theology is organizing an International Seminar
ALIGARH March 6: The Department of Shia Theology, Aligarh Muslim University is organizing an International Seminar on 'The Peaceful Co-existence among Religions and their essential Unity' on March 8 and 9, 2010 in the Faculty of Theology.
The Director of the Seminar, Prof. Ali Mohammad Naqvi said that the purpose of the Seminar is to study similarities and dissimilarities in religious beliefs and trace essential unity of all religions to enhance understanding among different faiths.
He said that various scholars, intellectuals, religious personalities are expected to participate in the Seminar including well known religious personalities like Swami Yatindranand Giri Maharaj, Maulana Kalbe Jawad, Dr Abdul Haque Ansari and Ayatullah Mahdavi from Iran. Mr. Shahid Mahdi, former Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi and Mr. Zafar Mahmood will also be present. More than 20 national and International scholars are expected to attend the Seminar.
The Inaugural Function will be held at 10:00 a.m. on March 8, 2010 in the Faculty of Theology, A. M.U.
The Director of the Seminar, Prof. Ali Mohammad Naqvi said that the purpose of the Seminar is to study similarities and dissimilarities in religious beliefs and trace essential unity of all religions to enhance understanding among different faiths.
He said that various scholars, intellectuals, religious personalities are expected to participate in the Seminar including well known religious personalities like Swami Yatindranand Giri Maharaj, Maulana Kalbe Jawad, Dr Abdul Haque Ansari and Ayatullah Mahdavi from Iran. Mr. Shahid Mahdi, former Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi and Mr. Zafar Mahmood will also be present. More than 20 national and International scholars are expected to attend the Seminar.
The Inaugural Function will be held at 10:00 a.m. on March 8, 2010 in the Faculty of Theology, A. M.U.
Noted Film Director Imtiaz Ali gave prizes at Fimsaaz-2010
ALIGARH March 7: Noted Film Director Imtiaz Ali today gave away the prizes at the valedictory function of three-day National Film Festival of Short Films and Documentaries titled "Fimsaaz-2010" at the Kennedy Hall Auditorium, Aligarh Muslim University.
More than 80 short films and documentaries were screened during the film festival. Mr. Mukhlis Ahmad Secretary of the Film Club said the film festival has received more than 60 local entries of short films and doucumentaries produced by the students of AMU itself.
Dr. Shakeel Samdani, Coordinator, General Education Centre said that the film club was established in 1974 at AMU to promote creative skills among students.
Dr. Mohammad Kaleemullah, President of the Film Club said that Film Editor Mr. Faisal Riaz and eminent documentary filmmaker Mr. Narendra Joshi participated as judges at the festival.
Mr. K. Ramamohan Rao, District Magistrate of Aligarh also graced the valedictory function as the guest of honour.
At the national level, the award of best dialogues were given for `Beyond Boundaries'. Himanshu Gautam was awarded best screenplay for `Let's Have Coffee' and Mr. M. Balaji received the award for best editing, Mr. Tanveer Meer for best cinematography for `Mob Anthem'.
A large number of students and teachers participated in the prize distribution function. DSW, Prof. Ainul Haque also gave away the prizes.
More than 80 short films and documentaries were screened during the film festival. Mr. Mukhlis Ahmad Secretary of the Film Club said the film festival has received more than 60 local entries of short films and doucumentaries produced by the students of AMU itself.
Dr. Shakeel Samdani, Coordinator, General Education Centre said that the film club was established in 1974 at AMU to promote creative skills among students.
Dr. Mohammad Kaleemullah, President of the Film Club said that Film Editor Mr. Faisal Riaz and eminent documentary filmmaker Mr. Narendra Joshi participated as judges at the festival.
Mr. K. Ramamohan Rao, District Magistrate of Aligarh also graced the valedictory function as the guest of honour.
At the national level, the award of best dialogues were given for `Beyond Boundaries'. Himanshu Gautam was awarded best screenplay for `Let's Have Coffee' and Mr. M. Balaji received the award for best editing, Mr. Tanveer Meer for best cinematography for `Mob Anthem'.
A large number of students and teachers participated in the prize distribution function. DSW, Prof. Ainul Haque also gave away the prizes.
The Workshop - Artist in Residency Concluded at AMU
ALIGARH** March 7: The Workshop, 'Artist in Residency' organized by the
Department of Fine Arts came to an end with the exhibition of art creations
of the students that they accomplished during the workshop. Prof. Jai
Jharotia keenly interacted with the participating students. While responding
to the works on display he highlighted the various technical and aesthetic
nuances of art, which a budding artist must consider before picking up the
brush. The students were delighted to receive his valuable advice about the
use of color, line, texture and composition. It was a rare moment to witness
the excitement on the faces of students for sharing their art works with the
eminent artist of India. About sixty paintings were put on display creating
quite an impressive atmosphere blooming with creativity.
Prof. Jai Jharotia insisted that in order to safeguard the talent of budding
artists the administrative bodies need to provide a proper infrastructure
according to the requirements of the Fine Art Studio activities. He also
emphasized that there is no dearth of talent in the department but a talent
goes waste if it is not shared with others for which an art gallery is
indispensable for a Fine Art institute.
Prof. Ainul Haq Khan, Dean Student's Welfare inaugurated the exhibition and
presided over the Valedictory function. Dr. Zeba Hasan, Chairman, Department
of Fine Arts congratulated the organizers and volunteers for making the
workshop a great success. She also emphasized the fact that in the recent
past India has seen an amazing upsurge in the field of Fine Arts, which
needs to be tapped for advancement of talents in this area. She expressed
hope that the University authorities will give due importance to the
development of Fine Arts as a significant dimension in the higher
educational system. The programme concluded with the vote of thanks by Prof.
Seema Javed, former Chairman, Dept. of Fine Art.
Department of Fine Arts came to an end with the exhibition of art creations
of the students that they accomplished during the workshop. Prof. Jai
Jharotia keenly interacted with the participating students. While responding
to the works on display he highlighted the various technical and aesthetic
nuances of art, which a budding artist must consider before picking up the
brush. The students were delighted to receive his valuable advice about the
use of color, line, texture and composition. It was a rare moment to witness
the excitement on the faces of students for sharing their art works with the
eminent artist of India. About sixty paintings were put on display creating
quite an impressive atmosphere blooming with creativity.
Prof. Jai Jharotia insisted that in order to safeguard the talent of budding
artists the administrative bodies need to provide a proper infrastructure
according to the requirements of the Fine Art Studio activities. He also
emphasized that there is no dearth of talent in the department but a talent
goes waste if it is not shared with others for which an art gallery is
indispensable for a Fine Art institute.
Prof. Ainul Haq Khan, Dean Student's Welfare inaugurated the exhibition and
presided over the Valedictory function. Dr. Zeba Hasan, Chairman, Department
of Fine Arts congratulated the organizers and volunteers for making the
workshop a great success. She also emphasized the fact that in the recent
past India has seen an amazing upsurge in the field of Fine Arts, which
needs to be tapped for advancement of talents in this area. She expressed
hope that the University authorities will give due importance to the
development of Fine Arts as a significant dimension in the higher
educational system. The programme concluded with the vote of thanks by Prof.
Seema Javed, former Chairman, Dept. of Fine Art.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Professor A. R. Kidwai has been invited to University of Sunderland, UK
ALIGARH March 6: Professor A. R. Kidwai, Director, UGC, Academic Staff College, Aligarh Muslim University has been invited to present a paper at the International Conference on Post Colonialism and Islam at the University of Sunderland, UK.
The multidisciplinary conference will be relevant to specialists in postcolonial theory and cultural, historical, political, sociological, literary and religious studies who seek to problematise both the terms themselves and their juxtaposition.
During his stay in UK, Professor Kidwai will also make presentations at the University of Leicester, University College, London and Byron Centre, Nottingham.
The multidisciplinary conference will be relevant to specialists in postcolonial theory and cultural, historical, political, sociological, literary and religious studies who seek to problematise both the terms themselves and their juxtaposition.
During his stay in UK, Professor Kidwai will also make presentations at the University of Leicester, University College, London and Byron Centre, Nottingham.
Filmsaaz-10 - National Film Festival of Short Films and Documentaries at AMU from March 5-7
*ALIGARH March 5:* The University Film Club of General Education Centre,
Aligarh Muslim University is organizing the 3rd National Film Festival of
Short Films and Documentaries, "Filmsaaz-10" . The film festival shall be
organized from March 5-7, 2010 at the Kennedy Auditorium.
The National Film Festival of Short Films and Documentaries is one of its
own kind organized by the University Film Club of Aligarh Muslim University
among all academic institutions in India. The Coordinator of the General
Education Centre, Dr. Shakeel Samdani told Hindustan Times that it was
extremely proud distinction of General Education Centre to organize such
programme. He said that since its nondescript beginning in 2008, the film
festival has come a long way bringing a status as one of the prominent film
festivals in India drawing a huge media coverage in national dailies like
The Hindu, Hindustan Times etc.
Dr. Samdani said that senior film and promos editor Mr. Faisal Riaz and
eminent documentary film maker Mr. Narendra Joshi will be judges at the
festival. The distinguished film director Imtiyaz Ali (Love Aaj Kal and Jab
We Met fame) will be the Chief Guest in the Valedictory programme to be held
on March 7, 2010. He will also deliver a guest lecture on Recent Trends in
Bollywood. The acting Vice Chancellor Prof. Ziauddin Khairoowala shall
preside over the valedictory function. The District Magistrate of Aligarh
Shri K. Rammohan Rao will grace the occasion as the Guest of Honour.
The Secretary of University Film Club, Mr. M. Mukhlis Ahmad said that fifty
three entries from local film makers and seventy six from national panorama
have already been made.
The Organizing Secretary of the Film Festival, Mr. Faiyyaz Ahmad said that
the screening of short films, documentaries, slide shows, animation and
music videos received from the students and other participants from Aligarh
will be made on March 5 while the screening of entries from national
participants shall take place on March 6, 2010.
Aligarh Muslim University is organizing the 3rd National Film Festival of
Short Films and Documentaries, "Filmsaaz-10" . The film festival shall be
organized from March 5-7, 2010 at the Kennedy Auditorium.
The National Film Festival of Short Films and Documentaries is one of its
own kind organized by the University Film Club of Aligarh Muslim University
among all academic institutions in India. The Coordinator of the General
Education Centre, Dr. Shakeel Samdani told Hindustan Times that it was
extremely proud distinction of General Education Centre to organize such
programme. He said that since its nondescript beginning in 2008, the film
festival has come a long way bringing a status as one of the prominent film
festivals in India drawing a huge media coverage in national dailies like
The Hindu, Hindustan Times etc.
Dr. Samdani said that senior film and promos editor Mr. Faisal Riaz and
eminent documentary film maker Mr. Narendra Joshi will be judges at the
festival. The distinguished film director Imtiyaz Ali (Love Aaj Kal and Jab
We Met fame) will be the Chief Guest in the Valedictory programme to be held
on March 7, 2010. He will also deliver a guest lecture on Recent Trends in
Bollywood. The acting Vice Chancellor Prof. Ziauddin Khairoowala shall
preside over the valedictory function. The District Magistrate of Aligarh
Shri K. Rammohan Rao will grace the occasion as the Guest of Honour.
The Secretary of University Film Club, Mr. M. Mukhlis Ahmad said that fifty
three entries from local film makers and seventy six from national panorama
have already been made.
The Organizing Secretary of the Film Festival, Mr. Faiyyaz Ahmad said that
the screening of short films, documentaries, slide shows, animation and
music videos received from the students and other participants from Aligarh
will be made on March 5 while the screening of entries from national
participants shall take place on March 6, 2010.
Dr. S. M. Nair Delivered the Keynote Address National Conference on the “Role of Museum in Environmental Education and Interpretation at AMU
*ALIGARH March 5:* Dr. S. M. Nair, Ex-Director of National Museum of Natural
History, New Delhi said that protecting the environment is important for
sustainable development. Sustainable development means development without
environmental destruction.
Dr. Nair was delivering the keynote address at a two day national conference
on the “Role of Museum in Environmental Education and Interpretation”
organized by the Department of Museology, Aligarh Muslim University,
Dr. Nair said that India has a rich natural heritage with more than eighty
thousand species of animals and 45 thousand species of plants. We have 63
National Parks, 593 Wildlife Sanctuaries and 14 Biosphere Reserves.
He pointed out that at present estimate 81 species of animals, 38 species of
birds and 18 species of reptiles and amphibians are endangered in India. The
tiger, lion, rhino, snow, leopard, black buck, golden languard and a variety
of birds are endangered today. Despite all this, India still has a rich
diversity of animal life. Efforts are being made for their conservation.
While presiding over the inaugural session, Prof. Ziauddin Khairoowala,
acting Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University, said that climate
change is a major environmental issue these days. We should create a
friendly eco-atmosphere to promote environmental awareness and conservation
of nature and natural resource.
Prof. Khairoowala said that the union government is expending huge money to
control Ganga pollution but Ganga is still polluted. He said that India is
one of the oldest civilization and we have a very good wild life sanctuaries
to protect the endangered animals.
Earlier welcoming the delegates from all parts of the country, Prof. Asif
Ali Khan, Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences at AMU said that the founder of
this premier institution, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established the Scientific
Society with the aim to explore and collect the scientific and technological
advancement in the field of science and to disseminate the knowledge to the
Indian masses through demonstration. Sir Syed established a laboratory and a
museum in the building of Scientific Society.
Dr. Usha Subramaniam, Ex-Director of Ministry of Environment and Forest and
Prof. S. Asif Ali Naqvi, Chairman, Department of Museology at AMU also
addressed the inaugural function.
Dr. Abdurraheem K. conducted the programme and Dr. Naz Rizvi proposed a vote
of thanks.
History, New Delhi said that protecting the environment is important for
sustainable development. Sustainable development means development without
environmental destruction.
Dr. Nair was delivering the keynote address at a two day national conference
on the “Role of Museum in Environmental Education and Interpretation”
organized by the Department of Museology, Aligarh Muslim University,
Dr. Nair said that India has a rich natural heritage with more than eighty
thousand species of animals and 45 thousand species of plants. We have 63
National Parks, 593 Wildlife Sanctuaries and 14 Biosphere Reserves.
He pointed out that at present estimate 81 species of animals, 38 species of
birds and 18 species of reptiles and amphibians are endangered in India. The
tiger, lion, rhino, snow, leopard, black buck, golden languard and a variety
of birds are endangered today. Despite all this, India still has a rich
diversity of animal life. Efforts are being made for their conservation.
While presiding over the inaugural session, Prof. Ziauddin Khairoowala,
acting Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University, said that climate
change is a major environmental issue these days. We should create a
friendly eco-atmosphere to promote environmental awareness and conservation
of nature and natural resource.
Prof. Khairoowala said that the union government is expending huge money to
control Ganga pollution but Ganga is still polluted. He said that India is
one of the oldest civilization and we have a very good wild life sanctuaries
to protect the endangered animals.
Earlier welcoming the delegates from all parts of the country, Prof. Asif
Ali Khan, Dean, Faculty of Life Sciences at AMU said that the founder of
this premier institution, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established the Scientific
Society with the aim to explore and collect the scientific and technological
advancement in the field of science and to disseminate the knowledge to the
Indian masses through demonstration. Sir Syed established a laboratory and a
museum in the building of Scientific Society.
Dr. Usha Subramaniam, Ex-Director of Ministry of Environment and Forest and
Prof. S. Asif Ali Naqvi, Chairman, Department of Museology at AMU also
addressed the inaugural function.
Dr. Abdurraheem K. conducted the programme and Dr. Naz Rizvi proposed a vote
of thanks.
Prof. Jai Zharotia Demonstrated his Painting at the workshop orgainzed at AMU

ALIGARH, March 5: Prof. Jai Zharotia profoundly explained the methods of painting, which involved many layers of colours and textures presenting an amazing sight to watch meaningful things appearing as if from nowhere. Prof. Zharotia was demonstrating his painting on the third day of Workshop organized by the Department of Fine Arts. Prof. Zharotia is an eminent artist whose contribution to Indian art is remarkable.
The students felt thrilled and participated in a vigorous interaction with the artist. The inquisitive minds in their effort to crunch their thirst of knowledge participated in the interactive session with Prof. Zharotia with great zeal who having a more than three decades’ experience as an attire artist at his disposal answered with a clarity that only a virtuous could afford to demonstrate.
The Fine Arts discipline, essentially being a demonstrative / experimental discipline found an ideal teacher in Prof. Zharotia whose energetic performance to practically demonstrate the meticulously sensitive method of working and negotiating with the questions raised by students simultaneously, matched to none. It is for the first time in the history of the Department of Fine Arts that such a residency programme was organized. One could sense a great deal of enthusiasm among the students and a signing motivation to realize the artist in them. The artist’s demonstration will continue till 5th of March.
The Chairman, Department of Fine Arts, Dr. Zeba Hasan thanked National Lalit Kala Akademy, Lucknow for their patronage. The students demanded that the Department should have more of such activities.
Workshop on Positive Work Culture & Motivation for Dining Hall Staff of Mohammad
ALIGARH, March 4:* Mohammad Habib Hall, Aligarh Muslim University organized
a Workshop on "Positive Work Culture & Motivation" for Dining Hall Staff
members. Mr. Saad Hameed, Counselor, Coaching and Guidance Center, AMU was
the resource person of the Workshop. The Workshop aimed at team building,
positive attitude development, trust building, inter-personal skill
development among the dining hall staff. The staff members participated in a
large number exhibiting great zeal and enthusiasm.
Dr. Javed Talib, Provost and Dr. Sartaj Tyagi, Warden-in-Charge, greeted the
workers for their enthusiastic participation. Dr. Talib thanked Mr. Noor
Alam Khan, Senior Food, Mohd. Arif Raza, Irshad Alam, Noorul Amin, Anis
Ahmed, Kamil, Abdul Rahman and others for organizing the workshop.
a Workshop on "Positive Work Culture & Motivation" for Dining Hall Staff
members. Mr. Saad Hameed, Counselor, Coaching and Guidance Center, AMU was
the resource person of the Workshop. The Workshop aimed at team building,
positive attitude development, trust building, inter-personal skill
development among the dining hall staff. The staff members participated in a
large number exhibiting great zeal and enthusiasm.
Dr. Javed Talib, Provost and Dr. Sartaj Tyagi, Warden-in-Charge, greeted the
workers for their enthusiastic participation. Dr. Talib thanked Mr. Noor
Alam Khan, Senior Food, Mohd. Arif Raza, Irshad Alam, Noorul Amin, Anis
Ahmed, Kamil, Abdul Rahman and others for organizing the workshop.
Assam interested in setting up AMU centre
Lucknow, March 4 – The Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) has received a proposal from the Assam government to open its centre in the state, officials said Thursday.
Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi has requested the human resource development (HRD) ministry to take necessary steps in this regard, the sources said.
‘We have been invited by the government of Assam for setting up an AMU centre there,’ AMU vice-chancellor P.K. Abdul Azis told IANS over telephone.
The central government-funded AMU has received Rs.25 crore each for setting up its centre in West Bengal and Kerala and has plans to set up branches in Bihar, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, officials said.
In Bihar, the government has provided free-of-cost, 250-acre land for the upcoming AMU centre in Muslim-dominated Kishanganj district, they added.
According to Azis, the idea behind setting up special centres is to provide the most educationally deprived social class easy access to modern education.
Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi has requested the human resource development (HRD) ministry to take necessary steps in this regard, the sources said.
‘We have been invited by the government of Assam for setting up an AMU centre there,’ AMU vice-chancellor P.K. Abdul Azis told IANS over telephone.
The central government-funded AMU has received Rs.25 crore each for setting up its centre in West Bengal and Kerala and has plans to set up branches in Bihar, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, officials said.
In Bihar, the government has provided free-of-cost, 250-acre land for the upcoming AMU centre in Muslim-dominated Kishanganj district, they added.
According to Azis, the idea behind setting up special centres is to provide the most educationally deprived social class easy access to modern education.
Work for the advancement of drama and theatre film star Nagma urges AMU Students
ALIGARH March 3: Popular film star Naghma today urged the students to come forward and work for the advancement of drama and theatre so that they may once again get their national reputation. Naghma was addressing the students of Aligarh Muslim University at the valedictory programme of “Ensemble-2010” organized by the University Drama Club, General Education Centre.
She said that on account of increased interest by the corporate sector in films, drama and theatre are facing lack of access and recognition and they have been restricted to streets and lanes only. Naghma said that a mass movement is needed to create general interest in this art. She urged the youth to come forward and work for the cause of nation building and communal harmony that the great Sir Syed Ahmad Khan dreamt for. She also exhorted the students to closely monitor the measures taken by the Government of India for the implementation of Sachar Committee recommendations.
Naghma said that she felt proud to be at AMU as her mother has been an alumnus of this great seat of learning. She said that she has been working in Indian movies and she has also seen the Indian polity very closely. “I am proud that we live in a young India and we should strive to take our country forward by doing anything that we can”, she said.
Earlier welcoming the guests the Coordinator of General Education Centre, Dr. Shakeel Samdani, said that Naghma was active not only in films but she has also been socially and politically awakened and she has entered into politics only to work for the promotion of communal harmony in the country. Dr. Samdani also presented an illustrious picture of the activities of General Education Centre.
The acting Vice Chancellor Prof. Ziauddin Khairoowala, Fimstar Naghma, Mr. Iqbal Parvez, Mr. Pradeep Singh and Dr. Shakeel Samdani gave away prizes and certificates to the winner teams and individuals. The Secretary, University Drama Club, Mr. Faraz Siddiqui and the organizing Secretary of Ensemble-2010, Mr. Faizan Ahmad were also present on the occasion. The programme was conducted by Sarfaraz Jawaid, Sanchit, Mukul and Syed Mohammad Naved.
The G. B. Bhattacharya Trophy for winner team was presented to the tea of Mohammad Habib Hall while the Shahnaz Hashmi Memorial Trophy for runners team was given to the team of S. S. Hall (North). The Award for Best Actor was given to Mohammad Saad and the best actress award went to Shabnam. The prize for Best Director went to Shamim Bari while Best Story talent to Mohammad Saad, Best Monoacting to Mohammad Mateeb, Best Skit to S. S. North, Best Makeup to Mohammad Shamoon, Best Script Writer to Sarfarazul Haque, Best set to Mohammad Habib Hall and Best Costume to Mohammad Faizan.
She said that on account of increased interest by the corporate sector in films, drama and theatre are facing lack of access and recognition and they have been restricted to streets and lanes only. Naghma said that a mass movement is needed to create general interest in this art. She urged the youth to come forward and work for the cause of nation building and communal harmony that the great Sir Syed Ahmad Khan dreamt for. She also exhorted the students to closely monitor the measures taken by the Government of India for the implementation of Sachar Committee recommendations.
Naghma said that she felt proud to be at AMU as her mother has been an alumnus of this great seat of learning. She said that she has been working in Indian movies and she has also seen the Indian polity very closely. “I am proud that we live in a young India and we should strive to take our country forward by doing anything that we can”, she said.
Earlier welcoming the guests the Coordinator of General Education Centre, Dr. Shakeel Samdani, said that Naghma was active not only in films but she has also been socially and politically awakened and she has entered into politics only to work for the promotion of communal harmony in the country. Dr. Samdani also presented an illustrious picture of the activities of General Education Centre.
The acting Vice Chancellor Prof. Ziauddin Khairoowala, Fimstar Naghma, Mr. Iqbal Parvez, Mr. Pradeep Singh and Dr. Shakeel Samdani gave away prizes and certificates to the winner teams and individuals. The Secretary, University Drama Club, Mr. Faraz Siddiqui and the organizing Secretary of Ensemble-2010, Mr. Faizan Ahmad were also present on the occasion. The programme was conducted by Sarfaraz Jawaid, Sanchit, Mukul and Syed Mohammad Naved.
The G. B. Bhattacharya Trophy for winner team was presented to the tea of Mohammad Habib Hall while the Shahnaz Hashmi Memorial Trophy for runners team was given to the team of S. S. Hall (North). The Award for Best Actor was given to Mohammad Saad and the best actress award went to Shabnam. The prize for Best Director went to Shamim Bari while Best Story talent to Mohammad Saad, Best Monoacting to Mohammad Mateeb, Best Skit to S. S. North, Best Makeup to Mohammad Shamoon, Best Script Writer to Sarfarazul Haque, Best set to Mohammad Habib Hall and Best Costume to Mohammad Faizan.
Department of Applied Chemistry Organized the First Invited Lecture
ALIGARH March 2: The Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University organized the first invited lecture on "Indoor Air Pollution: A Major Environmental and Health Challenge in India" by Dr. Ajay Taneja, Head of the Chemistry Department, Institute of Basic Sciences, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra.
The Chairman, Department of Applied Chemistry, Professor Ali Mohammad welcomed the guests, faculty members and students present at the lecture after a short introduction of the guest speaker, Dr. Ajaya Taneja.
The talk covered the different aspects on the reasons and prevention of illnesses and deaths, especially of children and women as a result of inhalation of toxic pollutants produced by incomplete combustion of biomass indoor. It was suggested that the combined efforts of public, administrators, politicians and media are required to fight with the life threatening hazard.
Professor S.M.A. Rizvi, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology and Professor K.S. Siddiqui, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, were present in the lecture. Professor Kabiruddin, Professor Syed Ashfaq Nabi and Dr. Abdul Rauf from the Department of Chemistry and all the faculty members of the Department of Applied Chemistry were also present on the occasion. The lecture was also attended by a large number of students of B.Tech. The research scholars from the Departments of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry attended the lecture and participated in the interactive session following the lecture.
Professor A. A. Khan proposed the vote of thanks. He appreciated the efforts of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis for his initiative to start lecture series which would go a long way in improving the academic environment of the University. He thanked the guest speaker for delivering a very informative lecture, faculty members and students for their participation and their quest of knowledge.
The Chairman, Department of Applied Chemistry, Professor Ali Mohammad welcomed the guests, faculty members and students present at the lecture after a short introduction of the guest speaker, Dr. Ajaya Taneja.
The talk covered the different aspects on the reasons and prevention of illnesses and deaths, especially of children and women as a result of inhalation of toxic pollutants produced by incomplete combustion of biomass indoor. It was suggested that the combined efforts of public, administrators, politicians and media are required to fight with the life threatening hazard.
Professor S.M.A. Rizvi, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology and Professor K.S. Siddiqui, Chairman, Department of Chemistry, were present in the lecture. Professor Kabiruddin, Professor Syed Ashfaq Nabi and Dr. Abdul Rauf from the Department of Chemistry and all the faculty members of the Department of Applied Chemistry were also present on the occasion. The lecture was also attended by a large number of students of B.Tech. The research scholars from the Departments of Chemistry and Applied Chemistry attended the lecture and participated in the interactive session following the lecture.
Professor A. A. Khan proposed the vote of thanks. He appreciated the efforts of the Vice Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis for his initiative to start lecture series which would go a long way in improving the academic environment of the University. He thanked the guest speaker for delivering a very informative lecture, faculty members and students for their participation and their quest of knowledge.
Top twenty institutes in terms of research in India
A search in Scopus for top twenty institutes in terms of publications.
Top 20 Institutes in number of articles published in 2009
1. Indian Institute of Science
2. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
3. All India Institute of Medical Sciences
4. Bhabha Atomic Research Center
5. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
6. Indian Institute of Technology Madras
7. Jadavpur University
8. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
9. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
10. University of Delhi
11. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
12. Banaras Hindu University
13. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
14. Aligarh Muslim University
15. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
16. Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
17. Anna University
18. University of Calcutta
19. University of Madras
20. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Top 20 Institutes in number of articles published in 2009
1. Indian Institute of Science
2. Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
3. All India Institute of Medical Sciences
4. Bhabha Atomic Research Center
5. Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
6. Indian Institute of Technology Madras
7. Jadavpur University
8. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
9. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
10. University of Delhi
11. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
12. Banaras Hindu University
13. Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
14. Aligarh Muslim University
15. Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
16. Indian Institute of Chemical Technology
17. Anna University
18. University of Calcutta
19. University of Madras
20. Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science
Meet and Greet - AMU Alumni get together, Portland, Oregon, US
This is to inform you all that the alumni of AMU in Portland, OR will inshallah be having a get together of AMU alumni on 27th March, 2010 at 4:30 pm.
You all are cordially invited to join us for the Meet and greet, if you like.
If you are interested in coming for the get together and need further details please contact me asap. I would be glad to provide more information and any help if needed.
Looking forward for a wonderful meet & greet event.
You all are cordially invited to join us for the Meet and greet, if you like.
If you are interested in coming for the get together and need further details please contact me asap. I would be glad to provide more information and any help if needed.
Looking forward for a wonderful meet & greet event.
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