Kochi: The whole 123 acres of land required to be handed over to the Aligarh Muslim University in the first phase of the setting up of the regional campus in Kerala have been acquired. The acquisition became possible as the land owners last day informed their willingness to hand over the land for the road.
However, reports suggest that attempts are on to postpone the final date for the acquisition of land, which has been previously set to November 30th. The postponement is needed to complete the sketches and reports related to the registration survey of the land.
The land owners got ready for transfer of land after many talks. Around 10 land owners have now got ready to transfer 1.61 acres of land which will be used for the road facility to the campus. The officials had earlier reportedly promised the land owners by word that the registration of land would be over by today (November 30) but even the primary procedures for the same have not yet been done. No accounts have been reportedly created via treasury or banks to transfer the money of land to the owners who handed them over to the government. In short, the registration procedures of the first phase might still take 15 – 20 days to be completed.
Kerala is one of the five states where the Aligarh Muslim University decided to set up its off-campus regional centres. There were problems regarding the selection of land in the state initially but even after land was selected at Perinthalmanna, problems related to acquisition came up. Authorities have decided to acquire the total land in three phases. One hundred and twenty-three acres of land were to be acquired in the first phase which should be over by November 30. But the proceedings suggest that the first phase may not be complete by the stipulated time.
"I have seen the movement of the sinews of the sky, And the blood coursing in the veins of the moon." - Allama Iqbal
My Favorite Quote of the day
All Life is an Experiment. The more you make the better it becomes.................... Ralph Waldo Emerson
Monday, November 30, 2009
AMU gets 8th Rank among Indian Universities
A study conducted by the National Institute of Science Communication and
Information Resources (NISCAIR) and published in Current Science, Vol. 96,
NO. 12, 25 June 2009 has ranked AMU as No. 8 among top 100 research
institutions in India.
For seeing the complete list Please follow the link "8th Rank of AMU" under the section "Other Links".
Information Resources (NISCAIR) and published in Current Science, Vol. 96,
NO. 12, 25 June 2009 has ranked AMU as No. 8 among top 100 research
institutions in India.
For seeing the complete list Please follow the link "8th Rank of AMU" under the section "Other Links".
Colonel P.K. Abdul Azis

The Aligarh Muslim University Vice-Chancellor Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis was conferred upon the honorary designation of the "COLONEL" here in Aligarh by the NCC Staff.
AMU : VC Appeal to MPs
The Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis has appealed to the Muslim Members of Parliament and intelligentsia to come forward for the educational development of Muslims of the country and promotion of the Aligarh Movement. Prof. Azis urged them to support the University efforts for restoration of its minority character.
Prof. Azis was addressing a gathering of Muslim parliamentarians and intelligentsia at the India International Centre, New Delhi. The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha Mr. K. Rahman Khan, Minister of State for Railways Mr. E. Ahmad, former deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha Mrs. Najma Heptuallh, Maulana Asrarul Haque Qasmi, Mr. Shafiqur Rahman Burq, Mr. Shareefuddin Sharique, Mr. Moinul Haque, Mr. Ali Anwar Ansari, Mr. M. I. Shanavas, Mr. Abdul Wahab Peevee etc. and assured their cooperation in the development of the University.
Mrs. Najma Heptuallh while commenting on the PowerPoint presentation of the University said that the way the University administration has presented the detail of developmental work before the Muslim Parliamentarians reflects its sincerity. Mrs. Heptullah said that the glorious academic traditions of AMU need further expansion and assured that she will make all efforts to help the establishment of special centre of Aligarh Muslim University in Bhopal.
The Member of Parliament from Kishanganj Maulana Mohammad Asrarul Haque Qasmi said that Aligarh Muslim University is a minority institution and it is our responsibility to extend all support to it. Terming University’s move to establish of five special centres of Aligarh Muslim University in distant areas of the country as the need of hour, he said the decision would provide the best opportunities to Muslims of the country who are lagging behind and this affirmative action of the University is in line with the national aspiration to include in the education fold the most excluded social class.
Member of Parliament and AMU alumnus Mr. Shareefuddin Sharique said that being an alumnus of the University he knows that the majority of University students were always in favour of maintaining peaceful academic environment in the campus and it is the handful of miscreants that bring all the bad name to the University. He said that the Vice Chancellor of the University should be supported from all quarters in maintaining peace, tranquility and academic vibrancy in the campus.
Rajya Sabha MP Mr. Ali Anwar Ansari requested the Vice Chancellor to adopt an affectionate approach towards the suspended students who have no criminal records and allow them to continue their education.
The Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis presented the introduction of the University, promotion of female education and the secular and residential character of the University through PowerPoint. Prof. Azis also shed light on the course of development that the University was able to make during the last two years. He said that new courses have been started and the University for the first time in its history has received a massive grant of Rs. 185 Crore from the University Grants Commission under XI plan.
Prof. Azis said that research activities have been given new impetus and information technology has been developed to the level that every department and residential hall has been made an ICT hub and the internet facility has been expanded to each and every department and hostel. The Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College has been granted Rs. 150 Crore by the Government of India for its upgradation to the status of AIIMS. Similarly a comprehensive plan has also been put into action for upgrading the standard of the University managed schools.
The other prominent personalities that attended the meeting included former Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia, Prof. Mushirul Hasan, former Vice chancellor of Jamia Hamdard Mr. Sirajuddin, Maulana Abdul Wahab Khilji, Chairman of Delhi Minorities Commission Mr. Kamal farooqui and former Indian diplomat Mr. Ishrat Aziz.
Prof. Azis was addressing a gathering of Muslim parliamentarians and intelligentsia at the India International Centre, New Delhi. The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha Mr. K. Rahman Khan, Minister of State for Railways Mr. E. Ahmad, former deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha Mrs. Najma Heptuallh, Maulana Asrarul Haque Qasmi, Mr. Shafiqur Rahman Burq, Mr. Shareefuddin Sharique, Mr. Moinul Haque, Mr. Ali Anwar Ansari, Mr. M. I. Shanavas, Mr. Abdul Wahab Peevee etc. and assured their cooperation in the development of the University.
Mrs. Najma Heptuallh while commenting on the PowerPoint presentation of the University said that the way the University administration has presented the detail of developmental work before the Muslim Parliamentarians reflects its sincerity. Mrs. Heptullah said that the glorious academic traditions of AMU need further expansion and assured that she will make all efforts to help the establishment of special centre of Aligarh Muslim University in Bhopal.
The Member of Parliament from Kishanganj Maulana Mohammad Asrarul Haque Qasmi said that Aligarh Muslim University is a minority institution and it is our responsibility to extend all support to it. Terming University’s move to establish of five special centres of Aligarh Muslim University in distant areas of the country as the need of hour, he said the decision would provide the best opportunities to Muslims of the country who are lagging behind and this affirmative action of the University is in line with the national aspiration to include in the education fold the most excluded social class.
Member of Parliament and AMU alumnus Mr. Shareefuddin Sharique said that being an alumnus of the University he knows that the majority of University students were always in favour of maintaining peaceful academic environment in the campus and it is the handful of miscreants that bring all the bad name to the University. He said that the Vice Chancellor of the University should be supported from all quarters in maintaining peace, tranquility and academic vibrancy in the campus.
Rajya Sabha MP Mr. Ali Anwar Ansari requested the Vice Chancellor to adopt an affectionate approach towards the suspended students who have no criminal records and allow them to continue their education.
The Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis presented the introduction of the University, promotion of female education and the secular and residential character of the University through PowerPoint. Prof. Azis also shed light on the course of development that the University was able to make during the last two years. He said that new courses have been started and the University for the first time in its history has received a massive grant of Rs. 185 Crore from the University Grants Commission under XI plan.
Prof. Azis said that research activities have been given new impetus and information technology has been developed to the level that every department and residential hall has been made an ICT hub and the internet facility has been expanded to each and every department and hostel. The Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College has been granted Rs. 150 Crore by the Government of India for its upgradation to the status of AIIMS. Similarly a comprehensive plan has also been put into action for upgrading the standard of the University managed schools.
The other prominent personalities that attended the meeting included former Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia, Prof. Mushirul Hasan, former Vice chancellor of Jamia Hamdard Mr. Sirajuddin, Maulana Abdul Wahab Khilji, Chairman of Delhi Minorities Commission Mr. Kamal farooqui and former Indian diplomat Mr. Ishrat Aziz.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Liberhan commission full report
India's longest running commission took 17 years and 8 crores to prepare 1029 pages long report investigating circumstances that led to the demolition of the Babri Masjid on Dec. 6th, 1992. . To download a copy of the report click on the caption entitled "Liberhan commission full report" under the "Other Links" Section on the left hand side of this blog.
Sad Demise of Qamar Abid Alvi Alig
I wish to share with deep grief the news of the passing way of a very dear friend and my contemporary at Aligarh Mr Qamar Abid Alvi. He was living in MM Hall and was senior hall also .He was a wonderful orator and quite active in extra curricular activities and was elected President of MU Students Union in 1969 .Later on he became active in congress and was elected President of National Students Union of India(NSUI). He served in Libya for sometime and was close to President Qadadfi and orgaized several big international seminars on Geen Book at Delhi and Lucknow .He belonged to Lucknow and represented the best traditions of Lucknow culture which is fast vanishing .While mourning the sad demise of bhai Qamar abid Alvi I join his bereaved family in their hour of grief and reqrst the Alig community to pray for his mafghfirat .
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Large Hadron collider is about to restart

The LHC tunnel. Illustration shows the beampipes inside a dipole magnet. [M.Brice, CERN]
On 18 November, the LHC was handed over for operation. Teams are now preparing for injecting and circulating the first beams of 2009.
Friday, November 27, 2009
A Tribute to Ai Sadar Jafri
It is a pleasure to announce that 'Daaera', a newly established South Asian group will be presenting a 'Shaam-e-Ghazal' program with a special tribute to Ali Sardar Jafri, one of the most illustrious Aligs of all times, on Saturday, January 9, 2010 at Douglass Student Center, Rutgers University Campus, New Brunswick, at 8: p.m. We had tried for years to present such a program, under the banner of AAA, New York featuring India's premiere Ghazal singer, Seema Anil Sehgal, who was extensively guided by Jafri Sahab in the recitation of the poetry of the Masters, but were unable to pull it off primarily due to our inability to meet the projected expenses.
In Daaera's program, we are gong to utilize the great talents of another highly accomplished Ghazal singer, Bella Bhat who resides in New Jersey. The program will be divided into three parts. The first part will comprise of brief introductions to the Progressive Writer's Movement and its impact on modern Urdu Poetry, and to Ali Sardar Jafri's works, recitation of his poetry without and with music (the latter sung by Bella Bhatt), audios and videos of Jafri Sahab reading his poetry and possibly a Q &A. The second part will be devoted to singing the 'Kalam' of the Masters only and the third to popular Urdu and Punjabi songs.
Daaera, is a flat, non-hierarchical, secular, non-political and not-for profit organization dedicated to fostering the joint rich cultural and literary heritage of South Asia, greater people to people interaction among the South Asian Americans and presenting programs of distinction. It has no office bearers and works through a closely knit 'Core Group' each of whose members is assigned some responsibilities and all are jointly responsible for making the organization flourish. The organization's website www.Daaera.org can be accessed only through Google. It is befitting that the organization present a tribute to Ali Sardar Jafri, the great humanist and pacifict (Isi Sarhad pay kupsay muntazir hoon Subah-e-Farda ka) as one of its earliest program
In Daaera's program, we are gong to utilize the great talents of another highly accomplished Ghazal singer, Bella Bhat who resides in New Jersey. The program will be divided into three parts. The first part will comprise of brief introductions to the Progressive Writer's Movement and its impact on modern Urdu Poetry, and to Ali Sardar Jafri's works, recitation of his poetry without and with music (the latter sung by Bella Bhatt), audios and videos of Jafri Sahab reading his poetry and possibly a Q &A. The second part will be devoted to singing the 'Kalam' of the Masters only and the third to popular Urdu and Punjabi songs.
Daaera, is a flat, non-hierarchical, secular, non-political and not-for profit organization dedicated to fostering the joint rich cultural and literary heritage of South Asia, greater people to people interaction among the South Asian Americans and presenting programs of distinction. It has no office bearers and works through a closely knit 'Core Group' each of whose members is assigned some responsibilities and all are jointly responsible for making the organization flourish. The organization's website www.Daaera.org can be accessed only through Google. It is befitting that the organization present a tribute to Ali Sardar Jafri, the great humanist and pacifict (Isi Sarhad pay kupsay muntazir hoon Subah-e-Farda ka) as one of its earliest program
Professor Rakesh Bhargava awarded with the prestigious fellowship of American College of Chest Physicians
ALIGARH, November 26: Professor Rakesh Bhargava, Chairman, Department of Tuberculosis and Chest Disease, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University has been awarded with the prestigious fellowship of American College of Chest Physicians (FCCP). The award was presented to professor Bhargava in the convocation ceremony of the College held at San Diego, California USA. Professor Bhargava also presented a paper on “Unexplored association of Bronchogenic Carcinoma and Aspergillosis” which highlighted the lung cancer and fungus association, not recognized earlier. The paper was greatly appreciated by the delegate physicians.
(Zeeshan Ahmad)
Assistant Public Relations Officer
(Zeeshan Ahmad)
Assistant Public Relations Officer
Dr. Nishat Mustafa Khan awarded the prestigious membership of Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
ALIGARH November 26: Dr. Nishat Mustafa Khan, MBBS (1986 Batch) from the J. N. Medical College, AMU was awarded the prestigious membership of Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology (MRCOG). She is the only Aligarian to pass MRCOG.
She did her MD in Gynaecology in 1995 from J.N. Medical College, AMU and her topic was “Colposcopic Evaluation of Cervical Cancer”.
Dr. Nishat is currently working as a senior specialist in Saudi Arabia. Dr. Nishat has attended multiple courses and conferences in Asia, Middle East, UK and USA.
(Dr. Rahat Abrar)
Public Relations Officer
She did her MD in Gynaecology in 1995 from J.N. Medical College, AMU and her topic was “Colposcopic Evaluation of Cervical Cancer”.
Dr. Nishat is currently working as a senior specialist in Saudi Arabia. Dr. Nishat has attended multiple courses and conferences in Asia, Middle East, UK and USA.
(Dr. Rahat Abrar)
Public Relations Officer
AMU : Seminar on Child Advocacy
Written by AMU Correspondent
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Dr Zakir Hussain foundation Aligarh is going to organize a seminar on “Child Advocacy: A Need of Contemporary society” to help people to understand the utmost importance to focus attention on the health of the children as they represent the future of the nation.
Foundation hopes that this seminar would spread the new challenges, problems and opportunities confronting children. As India races towards achieving super power Dom, its children are still far behind in terms of healthcare, education and other facilities. Children are considered an asset of a nation and their welfare reflects the nation's prosperity and economic development. Children’s vulnerabilities and exposure to violations of their protection rights remain spread and multiple in nature. This seminar aims to discuss various manifestations of these violations ranging from child labour, child trafficking, to commercial sexual exploitation and many other forms of violence and abuse.
Date of this seminar is January 17, 2010 (Sunday) and location is Assembly Hall of University Polytechnic, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
Thursday, 26 November 2009
Dr Zakir Hussain foundation Aligarh is going to organize a seminar on “Child Advocacy: A Need of Contemporary society” to help people to understand the utmost importance to focus attention on the health of the children as they represent the future of the nation.
Foundation hopes that this seminar would spread the new challenges, problems and opportunities confronting children. As India races towards achieving super power Dom, its children are still far behind in terms of healthcare, education and other facilities. Children are considered an asset of a nation and their welfare reflects the nation's prosperity and economic development. Children’s vulnerabilities and exposure to violations of their protection rights remain spread and multiple in nature. This seminar aims to discuss various manifestations of these violations ranging from child labour, child trafficking, to commercial sexual exploitation and many other forms of violence and abuse.
Date of this seminar is January 17, 2010 (Sunday) and location is Assembly Hall of University Polytechnic, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
Sir Syed Day 2009 in the San Francisco Bay Area

Pictures above: Glimpses of Sir Syed Day 2009 organized by the Aligarh Muslim University Alumni Association of Northern California (AMUAA-CA) in the San Francisco Bay Area
The annual Sir Syed Day 2009 gathering in the San Francisco Bay Area once again brought together South-Asian Alumni of this esteemed university and a rainbow of enthusiasts of the Urdu language at the India Community Center in the city of Milpitas on Saturday, November 14th. And once again great pains were taken during this two-part educational and literary gala to keep the legacy of a great man alive and to highlight the efforts of the Aligarh Muslim University Alumni Association of Northern California (AMUAA-CA) in raising funds to offer educational opportunities to several disadvantaged students to enable them to attend AMU.
Sir Syed Ahmad Khan (1817-1898), the founder of the Mohammedan Anglo Oriental (MAO) College which became a full-fledged university in 1920 was a remarkable individual who defied the odds and was able to provide an avenue for Indian Muslims to get a scientific-modern education at a time when the community was shunning progressive ideas. And because of him and the institution he founded this event became possible because Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) is recognized today for its academic and not to forget artistic contributions (e.g. Indian actor Naseeruddin Shah).
The agitating students of AMU called off their Dharna
ALIGARH November 27: The agitating students of Aligarh Muslim University yesterday called off their Dharna at Jantar Mantar, New Delhi and decided to withdraw their month long agitation. They were protesting over the murder of a student, Shanawaz Alam on October 25, 2009.
The agitating students said in a press release that they have full confidence in the Vice Chancellor and hoped that the Vice Chancellor will protect their interest and would not let their career suffer adversely. The students appreciated the persuasive role of Prof. Ziauddin Khairoowala, Dean Faculty of Commerce who was engaged as the chief negotiator instilling confidence in the students.
AMU Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis has expressed happiness over the withdrawal of the month long agitation by some students. Prof. Azis has assured that no student who participated in the dharna and agitation will be victimized and a review will be made on the suspension order on a fast track basis. To meet this end the meeting of the Discipline Committee is slated for November 30, 2009.
The Vice Chancellor has especially appreciated the role of Dr. Najma Heptullah, former Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Mr. Kamal Farooqui, Chairman, Delhi Minorities Commission, Dr. Manzoor Alam, Chairman, Institute of Objective Studies and several other well wishers of the University for their positive role in the reconciliatory exercise. Prof. Azis also praised the efforts made by Prof. Ziauddin Khairoowala for persuading the agitating students call off their agitation.
The Vice Chancellor reiterated that the University will be opened on December 1, 2009 and appealed to the AMU fraternity to help in restoring peaceful environment in the campus for the academic resurgence that the University has been working over the last two years. He said that the peaceful and tranquil academic atmosphere is the essential ingredient for all academic activities including the teaching and holding of examinations.
The examinations in the Medicine Faculty will be held as per the schedule announced earlier.
The agitating students said in a press release that they have full confidence in the Vice Chancellor and hoped that the Vice Chancellor will protect their interest and would not let their career suffer adversely. The students appreciated the persuasive role of Prof. Ziauddin Khairoowala, Dean Faculty of Commerce who was engaged as the chief negotiator instilling confidence in the students.
AMU Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis has expressed happiness over the withdrawal of the month long agitation by some students. Prof. Azis has assured that no student who participated in the dharna and agitation will be victimized and a review will be made on the suspension order on a fast track basis. To meet this end the meeting of the Discipline Committee is slated for November 30, 2009.
The Vice Chancellor has especially appreciated the role of Dr. Najma Heptullah, former Chairman, Rajya Sabha, Mr. Kamal Farooqui, Chairman, Delhi Minorities Commission, Dr. Manzoor Alam, Chairman, Institute of Objective Studies and several other well wishers of the University for their positive role in the reconciliatory exercise. Prof. Azis also praised the efforts made by Prof. Ziauddin Khairoowala for persuading the agitating students call off their agitation.
The Vice Chancellor reiterated that the University will be opened on December 1, 2009 and appealed to the AMU fraternity to help in restoring peaceful environment in the campus for the academic resurgence that the University has been working over the last two years. He said that the peaceful and tranquil academic atmosphere is the essential ingredient for all academic activities including the teaching and holding of examinations.
The examinations in the Medicine Faculty will be held as per the schedule announced earlier.
Demands of the agitating students of AMU in brief.
The demands of students in brief which were discussed and agreed by both the parliamentarians and the protesting studetns. Hon'ble Vice Chancellor was also to attend this meeting and he was to meet students face to face in presence of these parliamentarians, but he did not turn up. He even telephoned Mr. Ansari at 9.39 a.m. in the morning of 25 Nov and promised to reach the residence of Ms Najma Heptulla on time.
However, students were given a very patient hearing by Ms Najma Heptulla. She won the hearts of students and all the members of this meetings including myself and my brother shahzad ansari. I extend heartfelt thanks to her on my behalf and on the behalf of the students. She spent an hour with the students and in the end asked me to jot down the basic and minimum demands of the students. I did it in presence of every body in the meeting and also emailed her a copy of the demands which i am going to share with you all.
As per your suggestion in a meeting with students held at your residence this morning in presence of Mr. Ali Anwar Ansari, a member of parliament, the demands of the students are jotted down as under:
1. Revocation of the suspension order / FIR against the students without any precondition and without any undertaking.
2. Replacement of Assistant Proctor, Mr. Asif who has let loose a terror in the university campus by his Revolver and traumatized the studetns.
3. Revival of the Students Union .
4. Non-interference of police in the campus unless and until serious condition of law and order arises.
5. Students should not be subjected to live in campus in constant threat and terror of the university authorities. They should be, at least, allowed to express their demands / genuine grievances in a democratic and peaceful manner.
However, students were given a very patient hearing by Ms Najma Heptulla. She won the hearts of students and all the members of this meetings including myself and my brother shahzad ansari. I extend heartfelt thanks to her on my behalf and on the behalf of the students. She spent an hour with the students and in the end asked me to jot down the basic and minimum demands of the students. I did it in presence of every body in the meeting and also emailed her a copy of the demands which i am going to share with you all.
As per your suggestion in a meeting with students held at your residence this morning in presence of Mr. Ali Anwar Ansari, a member of parliament, the demands of the students are jotted down as under:
1. Revocation of the suspension order / FIR against the students without any precondition and without any undertaking.
2. Replacement of Assistant Proctor, Mr. Asif who has let loose a terror in the university campus by his Revolver and traumatized the studetns.
3. Revival of the Students Union .
4. Non-interference of police in the campus unless and until serious condition of law and order arises.
5. Students should not be subjected to live in campus in constant threat and terror of the university authorities. They should be, at least, allowed to express their demands / genuine grievances in a democratic and peaceful manner.
Prof. Akhtar Haseeb conferred with the Dr. B. Vasantharaj David Award- 2008
ALIGARH November 27: Prof. Akhtar Haseeb, Chairman, Department of Plant Protection, and former Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences has been conferred with the “Dr. B. Vasantharaj David Award- 2008” for outstanding contribution made in the field of Plant Protection during the National Conference on Biodiversity, Conservation and Management of Bioresources held at Department of Zoology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam organized by Applied Zoologists Research Association (AZRA) Division of Entomology, Central Rice Research Institute, Cuttack.
Prof. Haseeb has several honours and awards to his credit including the prestigious, “VIGYAN GAURAV SAMMAN” of Uttar Pradesh Council of Science and Technology, “Outstanding Scientist Award” of Society of Plant Protection Sciences; “CSIR - Technology Award”; “Young Scientist Award” of Applied Zoologists Research Association; “Prof. V.P. Bhide Memorial Lecture Award”; “Honorary Fellowship Award of BRS”; “Rishi” – Nematode Management Gold Medal” etc.
Prof. Haseeb has also been nominated as Chairman, Regional Advisory Committee, Regional Directorate, Central Board for Workers Education (Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India) for the second term; Scientific Advisor in Scientific Advisory committee of the Bioengineering and Biological Sciences. Prof. Haseeb has served as member of various boards and committees.
Prof. Haseeb has several honours and awards to his credit including the prestigious, “VIGYAN GAURAV SAMMAN” of Uttar Pradesh Council of Science and Technology, “Outstanding Scientist Award” of Society of Plant Protection Sciences; “CSIR - Technology Award”; “Young Scientist Award” of Applied Zoologists Research Association; “Prof. V.P. Bhide Memorial Lecture Award”; “Honorary Fellowship Award of BRS”; “Rishi” – Nematode Management Gold Medal” etc.
Prof. Haseeb has also been nominated as Chairman, Regional Advisory Committee, Regional Directorate, Central Board for Workers Education (Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India) for the second term; Scientific Advisor in Scientific Advisory committee of the Bioengineering and Biological Sciences. Prof. Haseeb has served as member of various boards and committees.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Gangadhar National Award at AMU
Written by AMU Correspondent
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
The Sambalpur University, Orissa has conferred its prestigious Gangadhar National Award for Poetry 2008 on Prof. A. M. K. Shahryar, noted poet and former Chairman, Department of Urdu, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
The University has instituted the award in the memory of eminent Orissa poet Gangadhar Meher (1862-1924). The award carries a cash prize of rupees fifty thousand a shawl and a citation. Professor Shaharyar is the eighteenth recipient of the award and a galaxy of poets belonging to various Indian languages including Ali Sardar Jafri, Kedar Nath Singh, Ayyapa Panikar, Shakti Chattopadhyay, K. Sachidanandan, Dillip Chitre, Jayant Mahapatra, Gulzar and Nawakant Barua have received his award. Professor Shaharyar has published six collections and his poems were translated into English, Spanish, German, French, Italian and various Indian languages. Professor Shaharyar represented India in various literary meets and festivals of India held in USA, France, UK and other countries. He has already bagged several literary awards including Sahitya Academy Award, Bahadur Shah Zafar Award, Begum Akhtar Ghazal Award, UP and Bihar Urdu Academy Awards etc.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
The Sambalpur University, Orissa has conferred its prestigious Gangadhar National Award for Poetry 2008 on Prof. A. M. K. Shahryar, noted poet and former Chairman, Department of Urdu, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh.
The University has instituted the award in the memory of eminent Orissa poet Gangadhar Meher (1862-1924). The award carries a cash prize of rupees fifty thousand a shawl and a citation. Professor Shaharyar is the eighteenth recipient of the award and a galaxy of poets belonging to various Indian languages including Ali Sardar Jafri, Kedar Nath Singh, Ayyapa Panikar, Shakti Chattopadhyay, K. Sachidanandan, Dillip Chitre, Jayant Mahapatra, Gulzar and Nawakant Barua have received his award. Professor Shaharyar has published six collections and his poems were translated into English, Spanish, German, French, Italian and various Indian languages. Professor Shaharyar represented India in various literary meets and festivals of India held in USA, France, UK and other countries. He has already bagged several literary awards including Sahitya Academy Award, Bahadur Shah Zafar Award, Begum Akhtar Ghazal Award, UP and Bihar Urdu Academy Awards etc.
Two circulating beams bring first collisions in the LHC(Large hadron collider)

Geneva, 23 November 2009. Today the LHC circulated two beams simultaneously for the first time, allowing the operators to test the synchronization of the beams and giving the experiments their first chance to look for proton-proton collisions. With just one bunch of particles circulating in each direction, the beams can be made to cross in up to two places in the ring. From early in the afternoon, the beams were made to cross at points 1 and 5, home to the ATLAS and CMS detectors, both of which were on the look out for collisions. Later, beams crossed at points 2 and 8, ALICE and LHCb.
“It’s a great achievement to have come this far in so short a time,” said CERN1Director General Rolf Heuer. “But we need to keep a sense of perspective – there’s still much to do before we can start the LHC physics programme.”
Beams were first tuned to produce collisions in the ATLAS detector, which recorded its first candidate for collisions at 14:22 this afternoon. Later, the beams were optimised for CMS. In the evening, ALICE had the first optimization, followed by LHCb.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Workshop on Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (WCIMS)
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Zakir Hussain College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University , is organizing a three day Workshop on Computer Integrated Manufacturing System (WCIMS) from December 7-9, 2009. All those who are willing to participate in the WCIMS are required to register themselves upto November 30, 2009 positively. The last date of registration is extended to November 30, 2009. For further details and any query, please contact to the Director of WCIMS or e-mail to: wcims2009@zhcet. ac.in
Link to workshop brochure: http://www.wcims. webs.com/ leafletR. pdf
Link to registration form: http://www.wcims. webs.com/ Registration% 20Form.pdf
Link to workshop brochure: http://www.wcims. webs.com/ leafletR. pdf
Link to registration form: http://www.wcims. webs.com/ Registration% 20Form.pdf
Sunday, November 22, 2009
AMU alumni celebrate Sir Syed Day in New York
The AMU Old Boys’ Association in New York also celebrated the day at Akbar Restaurant in Long Island, New York.
The evening started with light refreshments. The formal program started off with the recitation of some verses from the Holy Qur’an by Ms. Naila Ali. Mr. Faiq Siddiqi and Well known TV personality in New York was emcee for the program
Born in 1926 at Rampur (UP) Zakir Ali Khan did his B.Sc. in 1945 and B.Sc. Engineering in 1948 from the Aligarh Muslim University. He is one of the founders of the Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology in Karachi. He has served as the general secretary of the Aligarh Old Boy's Association, Karachi for almost 4 decades and has edited the Association's monthly magazine 'Tehzeeb' for many years.
The author of number of books Zakir Ali Khan was awarded the first ' International Award for Literature' instituted by the Aligarh Muslim University, at last year's world alumni summit at Aligarh.
The keynote address of Zakir Ali Khan was equally inspiring. He shared Aligarh anecdotes and wisdom that just had to be appreciated and emphasized on team work which resulted in the establishment of Sir Syed University. Mr. Khan said that the best tribute to Sir Syed is to take his educational movement forward.
Mr. Zakir Ali Khan expressed his gratitude for the award and he donated the whole prize money to the welfare of AMU students.
The first part of the program ended with the traditional singing of the Tarana of AMU which was presented by a group.
The second part of the program was dedicated for an interesting Mushaira wherein some famous poets from India and Pakistan including Tahir Faraz (India), Abbas Tabish (Pakistan), Meraj Faizabadi (India), Waseem Barelvi (India), Zamin Jafri (Canada), Saleem Kausar (Pakistan), and Manzar Bhopali (India) were invited who enthralled the audiences for almost four hours.
A new website (www.aligarhmovement.com) on Sir Syed and his mission "Aligarh Movement" was launched by one of the flag bearer of Aligarh Movement, Muhammad Zakir Ali Khan.

Zakir Ali Khan Receiving the Award
The evening started with light refreshments. The formal program started off with the recitation of some verses from the Holy Qur’an by Ms. Naila Ali. Mr. Faiq Siddiqi and Well known TV personality in New York was emcee for the program
Born in 1926 at Rampur (UP) Zakir Ali Khan did his B.Sc. in 1945 and B.Sc. Engineering in 1948 from the Aligarh Muslim University. He is one of the founders of the Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology in Karachi. He has served as the general secretary of the Aligarh Old Boy's Association, Karachi for almost 4 decades and has edited the Association's monthly magazine 'Tehzeeb' for many years.
The author of number of books Zakir Ali Khan was awarded the first ' International Award for Literature' instituted by the Aligarh Muslim University, at last year's world alumni summit at Aligarh.
The keynote address of Zakir Ali Khan was equally inspiring. He shared Aligarh anecdotes and wisdom that just had to be appreciated and emphasized on team work which resulted in the establishment of Sir Syed University. Mr. Khan said that the best tribute to Sir Syed is to take his educational movement forward.
Mr. Zakir Ali Khan expressed his gratitude for the award and he donated the whole prize money to the welfare of AMU students.
The first part of the program ended with the traditional singing of the Tarana of AMU which was presented by a group.
The second part of the program was dedicated for an interesting Mushaira wherein some famous poets from India and Pakistan including Tahir Faraz (India), Abbas Tabish (Pakistan), Meraj Faizabadi (India), Waseem Barelvi (India), Zamin Jafri (Canada), Saleem Kausar (Pakistan), and Manzar Bhopali (India) were invited who enthralled the audiences for almost four hours.
A new website (www.aligarhmovement.com) on Sir Syed and his mission "Aligarh Movement" was launched by one of the flag bearer of Aligarh Movement, Muhammad Zakir Ali Khan.

Zakir Ali Khan Receiving the Award
Saturday, November 21, 2009
University tried its best to reduce the academic loss : VC
Written by AMU Correspondent
Saturday, 21 November 2009
AMU Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis in a personal letter to all the parents of the University students has said that the University will be re-opened on December 1, 2009. The University tried its best to reduce the academic loss by declaring the winter vacation till 30th November 2009. To facilitate the smooth home coming of the students to the University the classes will be started in three phases commencing from December 1 and by December 8 all classes will be in full swing, he added.
While explaining the inevitable circumstances, Prof. Azis said that the painful decision of the University’s closure was unavoidable in the backdrop of the situation where outsiders, some of whom having dubious and criminal antecedents, started backing and taking a leading role in the agitation. The situation was further aggravated when some political workers and vested interest groups also joined hands. In order to avert any major bloodshed and police intervention in the campus the University functionaries including senior faculty members unanimously recommended the closure.
Prof. Azis has drawn the attention of the parents to the remarkable benefits that the conducive atmosphere has bestowed on the University. He pointed out that the peace and tranquility maintained in the last two years in the campus by students adhering to the existing rules of the University has paid rich dividends and the University and its students have scripted a new story of records and successes. The University was on a resurgent track and was able to draw numerous projects and funding amounting to over Rs. 480 Crores. "Our students were able to do extremely well in many competitive examinations. This year alone 45 students were selected in IITs, four students selected for Fulbright Fellowship, 25 students selected in Judicial Services and five in Civil Services. If peace and academic vibrancy is allowed to continue in the campus the University will scale newer heights. The students can certainly be immensely benefited from a disciplined campus", he observed.
Written by AMU Correspondent
Saturday, 21 November 2009
AMU Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis in a personal letter to all the parents of the University students has said that the University will be re-opened on December 1, 2009. The University tried its best to reduce the academic loss by declaring the winter vacation till 30th November 2009. To facilitate the smooth home coming of the students to the University the classes will be started in three phases commencing from December 1 and by December 8 all classes will be in full swing, he added.
While explaining the inevitable circumstances, Prof. Azis said that the painful decision of the University’s closure was unavoidable in the backdrop of the situation where outsiders, some of whom having dubious and criminal antecedents, started backing and taking a leading role in the agitation. The situation was further aggravated when some political workers and vested interest groups also joined hands. In order to avert any major bloodshed and police intervention in the campus the University functionaries including senior faculty members unanimously recommended the closure.
Prof. Azis has drawn the attention of the parents to the remarkable benefits that the conducive atmosphere has bestowed on the University. He pointed out that the peace and tranquility maintained in the last two years in the campus by students adhering to the existing rules of the University has paid rich dividends and the University and its students have scripted a new story of records and successes. The University was on a resurgent track and was able to draw numerous projects and funding amounting to over Rs. 480 Crores. "Our students were able to do extremely well in many competitive examinations. This year alone 45 students were selected in IITs, four students selected for Fulbright Fellowship, 25 students selected in Judicial Services and five in Civil Services. If peace and academic vibrancy is allowed to continue in the campus the University will scale newer heights. The students can certainly be immensely benefited from a disciplined campus", he observed.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Pics of the Sir Syed Day celebrated on 7 nov 2009 at JNU, New Delhi.
A child artist presenting a nazm during the programme. AHG is seen standing.
Audience during the First Sir Syed Memorial Lecture at JNU, New Delhi on 7th Nov 2009.
AMU students singing University Tarana during the programme.
Padma Shri Mehrunnisha Parvez speaking on the occasion of First Syed Syed Memorial Lecture at JNU, New Delhi.
Mr. Arif Mohammad Khan speaking on the occasion of First Syed Syed Memorial Lecture at JNU, New Delhi.
Mr. Ajay Choudhary,IPS speaking on the occasion of First Syed Syed Memorial Lecture at JNU, New Delhi.
Ms. Arfa Khanum, Senior Journalist speaking on the occasion of First Syed Syed Memorial Lecture at JNU, New Delhi.
Mr. Khwaja Mohammad Shahid expressing his views on the occasion of Sir Syed Memorial Lecture at JNU.
AMU : AMUSSC reject deans report
AMUSSC reject deans report
Written by AMU Correspondent
Saturday, 14 November 2009
The Aligarh Muslim University Students Struggle Committee (AMUSSC) has unanimously decided to reject the report submitted by the Committee of Deans constituted by the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor to examine in detail the grievances of the AMU students. Without being cynical but being critical about the Committee and its recommendations, the AMUSSC wish to ask certain questions to the Vice-Chancellor at a moment when he is not ready to leave his confrontationist attitude with the students and still continuing with his autocratic style of functioning. Question No.1- When there was already a Students Grievance Redressal Committee(SGRC) formed by Vice-Chancellor, why just before declaring sine die he decided to form a Committee of Deans to look into the grievances of the students of AMU. So is the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor has agreed that the SGRC was a defunct body and it was a periodic drama staged by the university officials for their trumpet blowing about being sympathetic to the students causes as claimed by the members of AMUSSC for a long time? Question No.2- When almost every student of the campus was on the roads at the campus to claim the ignorance of the Vice-Chancellor towards them he preferred to send us out of the campus. Now what are the credentials of this report which was constituted after sine die when there are no students at the campus? When no students present at the campus the committee of Deans did the survey with which party? Teachers? Technical Staff? 4th Grade Employees? Did they ask the walls or their conscience to research on the grievances of the students in detail? At one place PRO wrote "Students emphasized", who are these selected students? Has the Vice-Chancellor and Committee of Deans has the right to lie and make their own "grievances of students" without consulting them and to act on them as they prefer so. Whether this should be called democracy or another great step of autocracy at AMU? We leave things on our old boys.If such issues has all of a sudden propped up in their mind it means they were already an issue and Vice-Chancellor preferred to lie and blow the trumpet with one after another fake Press Released by its PRO on the Students Grievance Redressal Committee. Question No.3- If such was the case as mentioned in the question no.2 then which options were left to wake up this administration which never heeded to the students? So if students have to resort to the democratic means to voice loud their grievances then why they are being suspended and imposed with campus ban? So AMU administration also ratifies the fact with this committee that if somebody speaks up, he would be prosecuted even in the wrong way. AMUSSC after this report of the Committee again proudly claim that they represented the entire AMU students in this struggle. Question No.4- On the issue of Students Union, AMUSSC would like to ask the AMU administration why even after 2 years of earlier sine die they are not sure about the academic environment in the campus? So, whether they are accepting their total failure not to maintain the academic environment for that long? Whether the responsible person for all these malaise should be prosecuted as happen with students? Whether the AMU administration can define the academic environment in light of the best universities in the world? It seems that AMU administration has not gone through Lyngdoh Recommendation on Students Union. Why AMU administration doesn't like to hold Students Union election this session as referred "must" in 6.1.1 of the Lyngdoh? Not only that, why AMU has time and again preferred to bypass statutes (34, 14, 18) passed in parliament to give students legitimate representation at the AMU Court and Academic Council. Then how come the Press Release can claim that Vice Chancellor has expressed his firm belief in democratic values? Is it another bluff again? It would be great if Vice-Chancellor himself decide to cease to be Patron of the AMUSU, following the recommendation he himself ratified of Committee of Deans to follow Lyngdoh report where it is written in 6.1.8 "No faculty member, nor any member of the administration shall be permitted to hold any post on the executive of such representative body, nor shall be allowed to be a member of any such representative body". Hope the Ordinances where he has power to dissolve the AMUSU in "good faith" would be obsolete then, so the power of Hony.Treasurer would go. You have to follow the whole report as you promised sir. The Committee of Deans without asking students got to know about the behavior of the Proctorial Team and for that matter of fact AMUSSC congratulate them to ratify another claim that the entire team of DSW and Proctor were functioning like Myanmar Junta. This report that has been submitted look like another bluff by the administration towards the students where administration themselves decided without hearing students in their personal interest to keep their autocratic power to dominate over the students unchallenged. However we agree many pertinent points has been covered by it, but there are some unacceptable solutions and goes against the law itself. AMU Students Struggle Committee strongly presses for democratic solution to the problems of students and not by people unaware of the students causes till date. AMU Students Struggle Committee
Written by AMU Correspondent
Saturday, 14 November 2009
The Aligarh Muslim University Students Struggle Committee (AMUSSC) has unanimously decided to reject the report submitted by the Committee of Deans constituted by the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor to examine in detail the grievances of the AMU students. Without being cynical but being critical about the Committee and its recommendations, the AMUSSC wish to ask certain questions to the Vice-Chancellor at a moment when he is not ready to leave his confrontationist attitude with the students and still continuing with his autocratic style of functioning. Question No.1- When there was already a Students Grievance Redressal Committee(SGRC) formed by Vice-Chancellor, why just before declaring sine die he decided to form a Committee of Deans to look into the grievances of the students of AMU. So is the Hon'ble Vice-Chancellor has agreed that the SGRC was a defunct body and it was a periodic drama staged by the university officials for their trumpet blowing about being sympathetic to the students causes as claimed by the members of AMUSSC for a long time? Question No.2- When almost every student of the campus was on the roads at the campus to claim the ignorance of the Vice-Chancellor towards them he preferred to send us out of the campus. Now what are the credentials of this report which was constituted after sine die when there are no students at the campus? When no students present at the campus the committee of Deans did the survey with which party? Teachers? Technical Staff? 4th Grade Employees? Did they ask the walls or their conscience to research on the grievances of the students in detail? At one place PRO wrote "Students emphasized", who are these selected students? Has the Vice-Chancellor and Committee of Deans has the right to lie and make their own "grievances of students" without consulting them and to act on them as they prefer so. Whether this should be called democracy or another great step of autocracy at AMU? We leave things on our old boys.If such issues has all of a sudden propped up in their mind it means they were already an issue and Vice-Chancellor preferred to lie and blow the trumpet with one after another fake Press Released by its PRO on the Students Grievance Redressal Committee. Question No.3- If such was the case as mentioned in the question no.2 then which options were left to wake up this administration which never heeded to the students? So if students have to resort to the democratic means to voice loud their grievances then why they are being suspended and imposed with campus ban? So AMU administration also ratifies the fact with this committee that if somebody speaks up, he would be prosecuted even in the wrong way. AMUSSC after this report of the Committee again proudly claim that they represented the entire AMU students in this struggle. Question No.4- On the issue of Students Union, AMUSSC would like to ask the AMU administration why even after 2 years of earlier sine die they are not sure about the academic environment in the campus? So, whether they are accepting their total failure not to maintain the academic environment for that long? Whether the responsible person for all these malaise should be prosecuted as happen with students? Whether the AMU administration can define the academic environment in light of the best universities in the world? It seems that AMU administration has not gone through Lyngdoh Recommendation on Students Union. Why AMU administration doesn't like to hold Students Union election this session as referred "must" in 6.1.1 of the Lyngdoh? Not only that, why AMU has time and again preferred to bypass statutes (34, 14, 18) passed in parliament to give students legitimate representation at the AMU Court and Academic Council. Then how come the Press Release can claim that Vice Chancellor has expressed his firm belief in democratic values? Is it another bluff again? It would be great if Vice-Chancellor himself decide to cease to be Patron of the AMUSU, following the recommendation he himself ratified of Committee of Deans to follow Lyngdoh report where it is written in 6.1.8 "No faculty member, nor any member of the administration shall be permitted to hold any post on the executive of such representative body, nor shall be allowed to be a member of any such representative body". Hope the Ordinances where he has power to dissolve the AMUSU in "good faith" would be obsolete then, so the power of Hony.Treasurer would go. You have to follow the whole report as you promised sir. The Committee of Deans without asking students got to know about the behavior of the Proctorial Team and for that matter of fact AMUSSC congratulate them to ratify another claim that the entire team of DSW and Proctor were functioning like Myanmar Junta. This report that has been submitted look like another bluff by the administration towards the students where administration themselves decided without hearing students in their personal interest to keep their autocratic power to dominate over the students unchallenged. However we agree many pertinent points has been covered by it, but there are some unacceptable solutions and goes against the law itself. AMU Students Struggle Committee strongly presses for democratic solution to the problems of students and not by people unaware of the students causes till date. AMU Students Struggle Committee
Minutes of the meeting of the Old Boy's in New Delhi on 18 Nov 2009
A meeting of Executive Committee of A.M.U. Old Boys’ Association, Delhi along with distinguished special invitees of senior members of the Association was held on Wednesday, 18th November, 2009 at 7:00 pm at India Islamic Cultural Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi to discuss the current burning issues of the Aligarh Muslim University. There were 45 senior Aligs i/c Mr. Kaukab Hameed (General Secretary, Old Boys’ Parental Body) and 3 representatives of the students sitting on Dharna present in the meeting. After many deliberations it was unanimously resolved:1. Revocation of all the 19 suspended students unconditionally.2. The election of AMUSU, AMURSA and Academic Council to be held within two months.3. University Court Elections for the 25 court members from the Old Boys should also be held within two to three months.If all these demands are not met by the VC, the AMU Old Boys’ Association, Delhi, are prepared to take extreme measures in support of the students and benefit of the University on the whole.The Executive Committee of the AMU Old Boys’ Association, Delhi are going to meet the Hon’ble HRD Minister, Sh. Kapil Sibal and other higher officials regarding the allegations against the VC and his administration. Till such time that these allegations are being investigated VC should be asked to proceed on leave so that an unbiased enquiry can be held.
A meeting of Executive Committee of A.M.U. Old Boys’ Association, Delhi along with distinguished special invitees of senior members of the Association was held on Wednesday, 18th November, 2009 at 7:00 pm at India Islamic Cultural Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi to discuss the current burning issues of the Aligarh Muslim University. There were 45 senior Aligs i/c Mr. Kaukab Hameed (General Secretary, Old Boys’ Parental Body) and 3 representatives of the students sitting on Dharna present in the meeting. After many deliberations it was unanimously resolved:1. Revocation of all the 19 suspended students unconditionally.2. The election of AMUSU, AMURSA and Academic Council to be held within two months.3. University Court Elections for the 25 court members from the Old Boys should also be held within two to three months.If all these demands are not met by the VC, the AMU Old Boys’ Association, Delhi, are prepared to take extreme measures in support of the students and benefit of the University on the whole.The Executive Committee of the AMU Old Boys’ Association, Delhi are going to meet the Hon’ble HRD Minister, Sh. Kapil Sibal and other higher officials regarding the allegations against the VC and his administration. Till such time that these allegations are being investigated VC should be asked to proceed on leave so that an unbiased enquiry can be held.
Dean's Report on the Student grievances
ALIGARH November 13: The Committee of Deans constituted by AMU Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis to examine in detail the grievances of the University students has submitted its report yesterday and the Vice Chancellor has issued orders to take prompt action as suggested in the Deans’ report.
The grievances of the students covered a wide sphere of residential life and academic activities of the University. The demand for restoration of Students Union, to 24 hours canteen facility, lack of proper parking space in residential halls, absence of additional electric points in hostel rooms for mobile charging, heater and ironing clothes, raising of boundary wall of IG Hall, construction of road from Qila road to the Department of Wild Life Sciences, installation of water cooler in the corridor leading to the Department of Persian and Sanskrit, internet facility in the departments, installation of photocopy machine in the seminar libraries, removal of jammers and use of mobile in Maulana Azad Library were some of the common issues the students brought to the notice of the committee.
The students also emphasized the need for keeping book issue section of M A Library open on Sundays, more computer units in the Computer Centre, increasing dining hall timings, training of proctorial guards to properly behave with the students, canteen facility in each hall, allowing food facility to the wait listed students in halls, common menu of food in all halls, campus placement for all the students completing master courses and increasing students’ interaction with the Vice Chancellor.
They also demanded allowing parents and relatives of the students to meet and stay with their wards for two-three days, reducing application fee for PhD courses, promotion of freedom of expression in all halls of residence especially in girls’ halls, improving cleanliness in toilets of the hostels, speeding up the construction work of auditorium at JN Medical College, construction of mosque and the common room at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hall, increased stipend for interns, modification in the composition of grievance committee allowing students to elect their representatives and the raids by university administration should not be made only in hostels.
While expressing his firm belief in the democratic values, Prof. Azis ordered for the fast and early solution to the genuine grievances of the students in line with the glorious traditions of the University.
The grievance redressal committee report states that the surprise visit of the Vice Chancellor, Proctor, DSW or the Provosts should not be considered as raid. Its main purpose is to interact with common students and to prevent anti-social elements and unauthorized persons to take shelter in the University. Such regular visits were in the interest of the students.
The report exhorted the Deans, Chairmen, Provosts and other functionaries to look into each and every grievance of the students and work for their solution expeditiously in order to put everything in order before the re-opening of the University.
The committee asked the University Engineer to prepare estimate for the construction work where necessary. Similarly the finance department has also been asked to prepare an estimate for meeting out the demands of the students that have financial implications. The report has however indicated that the work having financial implications may require approval of the concerned bodies.
Regarding the creation of additional electric points and use of heater in hostel rooms, the MIC, Electricity has been requested to consult the provost of halls to arrange two additional points for heater and one point for ironing clothes for every 50 students. The committee also suggested installation of electric meters to monitor the consumption of electricity used for this purpose.
On installation of water coolers, increase in the number of computers and availability of latest editions of text books in the Maulana Azad Library the Deans Committee directs the concerned authorities to resolve the issues on fast track basis. The demand of allowing use of mobile in the M A Library and removal of jammers was however was not favoured in the larger interest of the majority of students who need tranquility while studying in the library.
The issue of Students’ Union was also examined and the committee observed that the University stands by its commitment to restore academic environment in the campus as a priority and that the Students’ Union shall be restored as per the recommendations of Lyngdoh Committee when a conducive atmosphere is created.
To endure better security for the students the Committee asked the Proctor of the University to depute adequate security on the road leading to Allama Iqbal Hall from behind the University Polytechnic and the road behind the Architectural Department. The Proctor was also requested to conduct special training programmes for the security personnel of the University to sensitize them on the skills required for dealing with the students. The committee observed that if needed special workshops and training sessions may be arranged for this purpose.
The committee of Deans suggested the concerned chairmen of departments to take appropriate measures for ensuring internet facilities to the students and pointed out that the advancement of information communication technology in the University has been a core agenda of the Vice Chancellor Prof. Azis and the University has already achieved great success in providing high speed internet facility to every department and halls of residence to enable the students to access the online information.
Displaying a favourable attitude to the demand of providing canteen facility in every hall and increasing the timings of the University Canteen, the Deans’ committee suggested that the provost of the halls should make all necessary arrangement to start canteen in their halls up to 12 midnight. It also said that the timings of University Canteen may be increased to a little more after due consultation with the contractor.
It was suggested that the reduction of fee for PhD application form may be put into the agenda for next Academic Council meeting. The matter pertaining to the stay of parents or relatives with their wards for two-three days, the committee stated that the parents may be allowed to visit their wards and provision of their stay be made in the University Guest House. The students were advised to apply for the guest house facility for their stay on the usual terms and conditions of the University. It also recommends setting up of a visitors’ room in halls of residence by the concerned provost to avert any inconvenience to the visitors.
(Prof. N. A. K. Durrani)Media Advisor
The grievances of the students covered a wide sphere of residential life and academic activities of the University. The demand for restoration of Students Union, to 24 hours canteen facility, lack of proper parking space in residential halls, absence of additional electric points in hostel rooms for mobile charging, heater and ironing clothes, raising of boundary wall of IG Hall, construction of road from Qila road to the Department of Wild Life Sciences, installation of water cooler in the corridor leading to the Department of Persian and Sanskrit, internet facility in the departments, installation of photocopy machine in the seminar libraries, removal of jammers and use of mobile in Maulana Azad Library were some of the common issues the students brought to the notice of the committee.
The students also emphasized the need for keeping book issue section of M A Library open on Sundays, more computer units in the Computer Centre, increasing dining hall timings, training of proctorial guards to properly behave with the students, canteen facility in each hall, allowing food facility to the wait listed students in halls, common menu of food in all halls, campus placement for all the students completing master courses and increasing students’ interaction with the Vice Chancellor.
They also demanded allowing parents and relatives of the students to meet and stay with their wards for two-three days, reducing application fee for PhD courses, promotion of freedom of expression in all halls of residence especially in girls’ halls, improving cleanliness in toilets of the hostels, speeding up the construction work of auditorium at JN Medical College, construction of mosque and the common room at Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hall, increased stipend for interns, modification in the composition of grievance committee allowing students to elect their representatives and the raids by university administration should not be made only in hostels.
While expressing his firm belief in the democratic values, Prof. Azis ordered for the fast and early solution to the genuine grievances of the students in line with the glorious traditions of the University.
The grievance redressal committee report states that the surprise visit of the Vice Chancellor, Proctor, DSW or the Provosts should not be considered as raid. Its main purpose is to interact with common students and to prevent anti-social elements and unauthorized persons to take shelter in the University. Such regular visits were in the interest of the students.
The report exhorted the Deans, Chairmen, Provosts and other functionaries to look into each and every grievance of the students and work for their solution expeditiously in order to put everything in order before the re-opening of the University.
The committee asked the University Engineer to prepare estimate for the construction work where necessary. Similarly the finance department has also been asked to prepare an estimate for meeting out the demands of the students that have financial implications. The report has however indicated that the work having financial implications may require approval of the concerned bodies.
Regarding the creation of additional electric points and use of heater in hostel rooms, the MIC, Electricity has been requested to consult the provost of halls to arrange two additional points for heater and one point for ironing clothes for every 50 students. The committee also suggested installation of electric meters to monitor the consumption of electricity used for this purpose.
On installation of water coolers, increase in the number of computers and availability of latest editions of text books in the Maulana Azad Library the Deans Committee directs the concerned authorities to resolve the issues on fast track basis. The demand of allowing use of mobile in the M A Library and removal of jammers was however was not favoured in the larger interest of the majority of students who need tranquility while studying in the library.
The issue of Students’ Union was also examined and the committee observed that the University stands by its commitment to restore academic environment in the campus as a priority and that the Students’ Union shall be restored as per the recommendations of Lyngdoh Committee when a conducive atmosphere is created.
To endure better security for the students the Committee asked the Proctor of the University to depute adequate security on the road leading to Allama Iqbal Hall from behind the University Polytechnic and the road behind the Architectural Department. The Proctor was also requested to conduct special training programmes for the security personnel of the University to sensitize them on the skills required for dealing with the students. The committee observed that if needed special workshops and training sessions may be arranged for this purpose.
The committee of Deans suggested the concerned chairmen of departments to take appropriate measures for ensuring internet facilities to the students and pointed out that the advancement of information communication technology in the University has been a core agenda of the Vice Chancellor Prof. Azis and the University has already achieved great success in providing high speed internet facility to every department and halls of residence to enable the students to access the online information.
Displaying a favourable attitude to the demand of providing canteen facility in every hall and increasing the timings of the University Canteen, the Deans’ committee suggested that the provost of the halls should make all necessary arrangement to start canteen in their halls up to 12 midnight. It also said that the timings of University Canteen may be increased to a little more after due consultation with the contractor.
It was suggested that the reduction of fee for PhD application form may be put into the agenda for next Academic Council meeting. The matter pertaining to the stay of parents or relatives with their wards for two-three days, the committee stated that the parents may be allowed to visit their wards and provision of their stay be made in the University Guest House. The students were advised to apply for the guest house facility for their stay on the usual terms and conditions of the University. It also recommends setting up of a visitors’ room in halls of residence by the concerned provost to avert any inconvenience to the visitors.
(Prof. N. A. K. Durrani)Media Advisor
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