My Favorite Quote of the day

All Life is an Experiment. The more you make the better it becomes.................... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Tribute to Ai Sadar Jafri

It is a pleasure to announce that 'Daaera', a newly established South Asian group will be presenting a 'Shaam-e-Ghazal' program with a special tribute to Ali Sardar Jafri, one of the most illustrious Aligs of all times, on Saturday, January 9, 2010 at Douglass Student Center, Rutgers University Campus, New Brunswick, at 8: p.m. We had tried for years to present such a program, under the banner of AAA, New York featuring India's premiere Ghazal singer, Seema Anil Sehgal, who was extensively guided by Jafri Sahab in the recitation of the poetry of the Masters, but were unable to pull it off primarily due to our inability to meet the projected expenses.

In Daaera's program, we are gong to utilize the great talents of another highly accomplished Ghazal singer, Bella Bhat who resides in New Jersey. The program will be divided into three parts. The first part will comprise of brief introductions to the Progressive Writer's Movement and its impact on modern Urdu Poetry, and to Ali Sardar Jafri's works, recitation of his poetry without and with music (the latter sung by Bella Bhatt), audios and videos of Jafri Sahab reading his poetry and possibly a Q &A. The second part will be devoted to singing the 'Kalam' of the Masters only and the third to popular Urdu and Punjabi songs.

Daaera, is a flat, non-hierarchical, secular, non-political and not-for profit organization dedicated to fostering the joint rich cultural and literary heritage of South Asia, greater people to people interaction among the South Asian Americans and presenting programs of distinction. It has no office bearers and works through a closely knit 'Core Group' each of whose members is assigned some responsibilities and all are jointly responsible for making the organization flourish. The organization's website can be accessed only through Google. It is befitting that the organization present a tribute to Ali Sardar Jafri, the great humanist and pacifict (Isi Sarhad pay kupsay muntazir hoon Subah-e-Farda ka) as one of its earliest program

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