ALIGARH April 16:The Department of Forensic Medicine, J.N. Medical
College, Aligarh Muslim University organized an extension lecture on
"Emerging Vistas in Forensic Sciences" delivered by Prof. S.K. Verma,
Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, University College
of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. His erudition touched many recent and
emerging aspects on forensic sciences.
Prof. Verma talked at length on esoteric mechanism by which it would be
difficult for criminals to escape unscathed. He elaborated the facts that
DNA can spill the surname secrets by specific sequencing of DNA as also DNA
can put face to the criminals. Their face can be constructed by analyzing a
collection of genes to built up the 'identity kit', colloquially known as
"photo filter" if they are not caught on the spot. Mapping the genes can
define facial shape. Human DNA is found in household dust. This would
definitely discourage thieves, murderers and criminals from committing
illegal activities.
Prof. Verma said that microbial forensics would replace the fingerprints.
About 150 bacterial specimens are found on hands out of which only 13% are
shared by individuals. Therefore, these microbes are highly individualistic.
"Brain mapping, psychic computers, forensic radiology, digital picturization
of teeth, forensic pregnancy diagnostics with placental RNA were some other
advances taking place relevant to forensic sciences and criminality" , he
The Principal & Chief Medical Superintendent, J.N. Medical College Hospital,
Prof. M. Ashraf Malik, Prof. Jawed A. Usmani, Prof. G.U. Qureshi, Agra, Dr.
Shaukat A. Hanif, Dr Saadia Sayeed, Prof. Noor Afshan, Dr. Zehra, Senior
Residents and Junior Residents attended the lecture. The programme was
conducted by Dr. Munawwar Husain and the vote of thanks was proposed by
Prof. Shameem J. Rizvi.
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