My Favorite Quote of the day

All Life is an Experiment. The more you make the better it becomes.................... Ralph Waldo Emerson

Friday, January 8, 2010

Prof. Mehmoodur Rahman Khan Afridi is no more with us

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Assalaam Alaikum

I am sorry to inform you about the sad demise of Prof. Mehmoodur Rahman Khan Afridi yesterday evening in Aligarh, who was Head Department of Botany and Dean, Faculty of Sciences at A.M.U.

He was an academician who was a great philanthropist. Nobody could miss his enthusiasm or fail to notice his gracefulness. He had been an excellent guide to many of us when he shared his expertise in his subject, education and society per se which he had acquired during his formative years at Oxford while doing his PhD and later as an renowned scientist in Plant Physiology. Firm believer of the saying “teach to fish, rather than provide a fish everyday”

Many of us must have known him as Founding Member of Duty Society and through his active association with Sports as a Badminton Player during his University days and later as member of University Sports Committee.

He always had the inherent desire to help people, and do as much as possible for the needy. A loss to the family, his students, well wishers and for the society as a whole.

In this moment of great sorrow let us join together and sent our condolences to his son Masood Afridi (famously known as Mamoo), based in Dubai.

"I begin in the name of Allah, Most Kind, Most Merciful. From Muhammad, Allah's Messenger to Mu'az- Ibn-Jabal. May the peace of Allah be on you. I praise Allah before you, the One besides whom there is none worthy of worship.

After praising and glorifying Allah, (I say the following.) May Allah give you great reward and may He guide you to exercise patient endurance and may He (also) guide us and you to be grateful to Him

Surely, our souls, wealth and families are wonderful gifts from Allah Azza Wajalla which He has loaned to us so that we may take benefit from them for a set period; and he takes them away after the termination of that period Thus, gratitude becomes binding on us when He gives, and patience becomes obligatory when He takes away.

Your father was also from among the wonderful gifts (of Allah) and a loan (from Him) AIlah enabled you to enjoy him in away that was both enviable (to others) and pleasing (to you); and now, in return for great reward, mercy and forgiveness providing you exercise patience- he has taken him away from you.

So do exercise patience and do not let your bewailing and complaining destroy your reward, for you will be sorry (if this happens) Know that bewailing and complaining does not help bring back anything nor does it repel grief and sorrow. And whatever is to happen is set to happen.

"May you be in peace. Amen"

He leaves behind his son and two daughters married and based in Aligarh.

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